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Hanil Pharm. Co. faces on critical edge of bankruptcy

The management control of Hanil Pharmaceutical company was transferred to Shin Dong-A group as a subsidiary in the general shareholder's meeting last year, but as of Apr. 2 this year the company was unable to pay the ...

Japanese bsuiness operation in Korean drug industry on ever expanding.

Japanese pharmaceutical corporations have engaged in their partial joint venture or licensing business with local business counterpartners, but from the latter part of 1990s they expanded their business management con...

KRPIA proposed imported drug insurance pricing based on G7 ex-factory prices.

The KRPIA asked to the government for the imported drug pricing to be determined on the basis of ex-factory prices exercised at the G7 advanced countries as scheduled to take effect from July 1, this year. On March...

Overall KFDA reforms including clinical study system planned to complete earlier.

Mr. Choi Soo-young, the director of Drug Safety Bureau of KFDA, addressed a lecture at the 45th anniversary meeting of Yakup Shinmoon foundation under the title of "the pharmaceutical issues and policies in 21st centu...

Good Pharmacy Practice system implemented from Jan. 2000.

The MOHW announced for the GPP system to take effect from Jan. 2000 in connection with the implementation of the medical and pharmacy separation system as scheduled from July 1, 2000. The system is purported to keep a...

Early business entry of Zuellig to domestic drug markets unclear.

Zuellig, a Swiss pharmaceutical wholesale company, planned to make a market entry into Korea during the first half of this year, but it seems to be very unclear, although they had tried to speed up their business laun...

Insurance reimbursement for 615 new drugs approved.

As of April 1, 1999 the MOHW approved new insurance reimbursements for 615 products. (see YK data reference No. 12) 615 items included 6 new drugs of chemical entities by 5 companies, 609 products by 98 companies i...

Drug distribution community to restrain issuance of payment note.

The local drug wholesalers have indulged themselves in expanding their sales volume without much care of profits, and for this objective they issued too payment notes, which eventually turned back and killed themselve...

Domestic drug maker keenly interested in new drug development.

Many research oriented domestic drug makers have made quite an investment for a new drug development since long time, and as a result, several new drugs seem to appear in the market this year such as a diagnostic reag...

KPMA opens membership to foreign drug companies.

The KPMA decided in the executive meeting on March 24 that the eligibility for KPMA membership widely opened to the foreign multinational drug companies regardless of the manufacturing facility located in Korea if the...

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