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Drug distribution reform plan to be finalized around end of May

A basic plan of the drug delivery center has shown to establish two central points with 14 regional delivery centers across the nation, in which the central delivery point supplies drugs to the regional centers as wel...

Bulk materials to be registered during approval process for finished drugs.

Having learned from the bitter experience with Ferritin incidence the KFDA plans to intensify drug quality controls over the whole processes from the production and purchasing of bulk materials to the manufacture of f...

Domestic drug price at merely 54% level over advanced countries.

The KPMA surveyed domestic insurance drug prices of 11,649 items listed in the medical insurance reimbursement book compared to those of 7 foreign advanced countries and reported that the average domestic drug price w...

Drug industry wanted insurance price system change before massive price reduction.

The drug industry strongly called for revamping the insurance price system before a massive price reduction of insurance drugs as scheduled to take effect from coming July, claiming along with other pharmaceutical...

Eli Lilly and Chugai jointly ventured by 50:50 in Japan.

Eli Lilly and chugai Pharmaceutical announced plans to set up a 50: 50 joint venture in Japan called the Chugai Lilly Clinical Research Company. Based in Tokyo, the JV will manage the development of selected Lilly pro...

MOHW budgeted 30 billion won of financial loan for new drug development through public invitation.

The MOHW allocated 30 billion won of financial loan as an investment fund for facilities of new drug development, and recently announced in public for an applicant. This fund will be supported to the new drug research...

915 imported drugs filed to list in medical insurance reimbursement book.

As the national medical insurance scheme provisionally permitted for imported drugs to reimburse effective from July 1 this year, 915 drugs imported by 119 pharmaceutical importers and manufacturing companies were fil...

KPMA and KPA opposed KRPIA attempt to make juridical body.

The KRPIA, an organization of representatives from the foreign invested pharmaceutical companies in business presence of Korea, tried to make this organization be a legal entity, for which the KPMA and the KPA strongl...

The KFDA proposed improvement plans for public administration services.

The KFDA planned to improve their public administrative services for people's maximum conveniencies and benefits and announced their pictures as summarized below: Objectives for improvement of the public administ...

KFDA put 3.5 billion won for consolidated software of drug administration.

The KFDA plans to develope a consolidated computer network in connection with computerized drug authorization and administration, containing the standard, specification and assay of drugs, an administration program fo...

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