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Drug efficacy equivalent test mandatory for drug registration.
The KFDA announced to revise a provision pertaining to the evaluation of drug or quasi-drug registration procedures (for manufacture or import), containing the plan that the drug efficacy equivalent test data should b...
Pharmacist's free dispensing act without physician's prescriptions to punish for 15 day qualificatio
The MOHW is going to revise the working rules of the pharmaceutical affairs law and other relevant provisions reflecting penal provisions against illegal dispensing acts. Under the upcoming medical and pharmacy separa...
Uncooperative drug company in prescription drug supplies to be punished.
The MOHW plans to impose strong provisional measures to a part of foreign multinational drug companies against their sales strategy of hampering a smooth supply of prescription drugs.
Mr. Ahn Hyo-whan, the section ...
Partial sales of package drugs at wholesale and retail pharmacies may be granted.
Pharmacy practitioner may open the packaged prescription drug to sell partially to other pharmacies who asked for an urgent supply of such drugs to dispense physician's or dental doctor's prescriptions.
However, the ...
Trial test result reveals many problems.
As reported previously the MOHW took a trial test for the medical and pharmacy separation program at 4 regions across the nation from June 7 to 10, and found out that pharmacies should keep a good inventory of prescri...
Adjustment of prescription and dispense fees on main negotiation steps
The MOHW has formed a negotiating team for an adjustment of the prescription and dispensing fees in line with helping reasonable business management for pharmacies, hospitals and clinics under the new medical and phar...
The top six general hospitals disclosed their prescription drug list
Having faced with the government's separation plan of medical and pharmacy, Seoul National University Hospital and the other five leading general hospitals disclosed their prescription drug lists. Judging by those lis...
Drug makers call for additional warrants to drug wholesalers
Drug wholesalers are experiencing serious difficulties in keeping a good inventory of prescription drugs mainly on account of the drug maker's requests for additional warrants in drug supply contract. Accordingly, a l...
Dispensing pharmacist manpower to be managed by pooled system.
The KPA may employ so called "Pooled" system for the dispensing pharmacist manpower management to minimize any possible inconveniencies that might bring out to patients from the government implementation of the medica...
300 most common prescription drugs to supply in a set of stocks.
The Seoul KPA and city/province drug wholesalers (KPWA) met together on June 5 to discuss the issue on an inventory keeping of about 300 most common prescription drugs in a set to perform a smooth dispensing activity ...