All Type of News
Separation pilot test to set up at 4 regions.
The MOHW selected 4 regions to perform the pilot test for the government medical and pharmacy separation program in an attempt to find out any problems arising in the practical implementing process of the impending me...
Adverse effects on drug efficacy equivalent test issue urgently to solve.
The drug efficacy equivalent test originally intended to carry out for the domestic copy drugs to be equally dispensed at pharmacies by substituting for the branded drugs that mostly supplied by many local foreign mul...
Medical community decided detailed action plans to oppose medical/pharmacy separation system.
The medical community held "a nation-wide rally" on June 4 demonstrating their strong wills of opposition against the government separation plan of the medical and pharmacy practice. By taking this event, the communit...
Additional warning statements to instruct for all stimulant laxatives.
The KFDA determined that new authorization for 21 antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents including Bromfenac sodium would be restricted and 11 stimulant laxatives including Bisacodyl, Senna, Rhubarb, Casc...
Korea Multinational Pharmaceutical Industry Association (KMPIA) authorized to establish.
In defiance of a bitter dissension from 5 medical and pharmaceutical organizations including the KPMA against the establishment of juridical corporate, KMPIA, the MOHW authoritzed it as of June 1 and stated that the a...
Minister Cha of MOHW stressed separation plan to be launched as scheduled.
In the press interview on June 1 at 1:30 p.m. at the conference room of the MOHW, Minister Cha Hung-bong made it clear that the people had to abide to the law enacted under the right procedures, and the government med...
Cancer drugs and others to exclude from separation plan.
The MOHW announced the scope of exceptional drugs to be excluded from the provisional restrictions generally applied to the government separation system of medical and pharmacy practice as scheduled to launch from Jul...
6 ministries jointly announced special statement for medical and pharmacy separation plan.
6 ministers including Minister Cha of the MOHW jointly announced a special statement on June 1 under the title of "A special statement for the implementation of the medical and pharmacy separation plan". The statement...
337 new products by 75 companies approved for medical insurance reimbursement scheme.
As of June 1 the MOHW announced the revised insurance drug price list, which additionally included 337 new products manufactured by 75 companies, adjusted prices for 21 products of 10 companies, deleted 43 products of...
MOHW reclassified drugs by 61.5% prescriptions and 38.5% non-prescriptions.
The MOHW has completed a reclassification work and officially announced for the total 27,962 products as 61.5% (17,187 items) of prescription and 38.5% (10,775 items) of non-prescription drugs. This issue has been one...