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Pharmaceutical distribution will encounter whole new change in distribution system from serial number system

There is an anticipation that the obligation to report drug serial numbers, which will be implemented on July 2017, will shake the pharmaceutical distribution industry’s distribution system from its very foundation. ...

No. of people working for pharmas reaches 100 thousand

The number of people working in pharmaceutical companies was analyzed to constantly increase to approximately 100 thousand. Moreover, it was observed Korean pharmaceutical companies are actively branching out to forei...

Will No-Warrant Arrest Law on Medical Personnel impact MFDS’s admin. investigation?

The industry has paid attention if the Punishment Tightening Law, which includes  will impact the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s(MOHW) investigation on multinational pharmaceutical companies. While the MOHW is expe...

Last year’s drug distribution amount reaches KRW 52.4 trillion increased by 7.1%

The last year’s amount of pharmaceutical distribution was aggregated to exceed KRW 50 trillion. Also, it was observed the supply of emergency household drugs to convenient stores has constantly been raised.  Accordin...

Decisions on Medical Law amendments except for ‘Rehab Hospital Establishment & Medical Corporates’ Subsidiary Business’ bills

Every amendment to the Medical Law except for 2 bills – bills to include rehabilitation hospitals in the type of hospital-level medical institute and restrict medical corporates’ subsidiary business – passed the Natio...

Conflicts over ‘Every Substance Statement Bill’ holds off all the amend. to Pharmaceutical Affairs Law

As conflicts over a bill to state every substance of pharmaceutical products and quasi drugs in containers and packaging continued among members and representatives, all the amendments to the Pharmaceutical Affairs La...

Hepatitis C & 2 antibiotic-resist. bacteria to be included in 3rd infectious disease group

Hepatitis C is selected as a part of the 3rd infectious disease group, and will be transferred to the mandatory surveillance system. At the Legislative Bill Examination Subcommittee on the 3rd, the National Assembly ...

Daewoong sells calcium product of KRW 72.8 billion to Abbott

On the 2nd, Daewoong Pharmaceutical officially announced a KRW 72.8 billion exclusive sales agreement of ‘Pitavastatin Calcium Tab’ in 4 East Asian countries, including Thailand...

Why the Korea-multinational open innovation sharing event ‘KPAC’ was delayed?

The ‘Korea Pharma Associations Conference(KPAC),’ which has played a catalyst role the global pharmaceutical companies’ ‘Open Innovation’ cooperation strategy and global partnerships, is delayed. According to the in...

Series of pharmas to attempt to cut distribution margins

As many pharmaceutical companies decided to cut margins, pharmaceutical distribution companies have carried out tough fights against them. According to the industry concerned, a Korean pharmaceutical company withdre...

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