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Green Cross first acquires approval of tetanus & diphtheria vaccine in Korea

Green Cross has once again succeeded in localizing a basic vaccine. On the 2nd, Green Cross(CEO Eun-Cheol Huh) announced it acquired product approval of the adult tetanus & dip...

Pharmas on emergency to meet their sales goals under impact of Kim Young-Ran Law

At the end of the year, pharmaceutical companies have put on emergency to meet their sales goals. It is ordinary for pharmaceutical companies to compete over sales in the period. Pharmaceutical companies which receiv...

No. of pharma. dist. companies keeps increasing, focused in capital area

It was observed the number of pharmaceutical distribution companies was increased by 372 units since the regulation about the size of storage is relaxed in the beginning of 2015. The regulation about the storage siz...

High chance for hepatitis C to become subject of mandatory surveillance

As hepatitis C is included in the 3rd infectious disease group, there is a high chance it will become a subject of the mandatory surveillance system. The National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee held the Legis...

Collective drug sales on Sep., KRW 10.1113 trillion increased by 4.5%

The amount of pharmaceutical sales was KRW 1.1024 trillion on September, and this year’s amount is estimated at KRW 13.5663 trillion. Through an analysis report on the 1st, Shinhan Investment Corp. announced the amo...

MOHW, “It is possible to accept ‘3 Rebate Prohibition Laws’ after adjustment”

The Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) announced a stance to accept the so-called ‘3 Rebate Prohibition Bill’ after modification. When it comes to the ‘3 Rebate Prohibition Bill’ tabled by Rep. Jae-Geun In, the MO...

Kolon Life Science succeeds in exporting ‘Invossa’ technology for KRW 500 billion

Kolon Life Science(CEO Woo-Seok Lee) will export technology of the world’s first cell and gene therapy for degenerative arthritis, ‘Invossa,’ to Japan. This is the result of Inv...

2017 budget cut for telemedicine, but increased for narcotics management

A preliminary examination of the 2017 Budget Bill of the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) and Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) – which cut the budget for telemedicine and increased the one for the narcotics ...

Health and Welfare Committee to deliberate 240 legislative bills

The 20th National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee will start the first introduction and deliberation of legislative bills from the 31st. The committee will hold a general meeting on the 31st, and is planning t...

Deficits in pharmaceutical trade balance have hit KRW 18.8 trillion since 2010

It was observed deficits of the pharmaceutical trade balance surprisingly reached KRW 18.83 trillion after the year of 2010. It was analyzed, however, the deficits are narrowly decreasing as pharmaceutical exports g...

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