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KPA raised 27 proposals in talks with government.
The KPA has prepared 27 different subjects to propose in the forthcoming talks with the government, including removal of prior physician's agreement obligation for substitutive dispensing at pharmacies and dispensing ...
49 new drugs registered by 29 companies in first half of 2000.
A publication of the Korea Health and Industry Promotion Board on the subject of "A technology trend of the health and industry" disclosed that about 49 new drugs having 34 different ingredients, were introduced by 29...
Cisapride preparations stopped market supply from Oct. 25.
The KFDA stopped market supplying of Cisapride preparations, a gastrointestinal drug, from Oct. 25, and Janssen Korea, the supplier of Cisapride, and other 10 companies expressed to accept the measure.
The KFDA ins...
Company downsizing only to survive drug wholesale industry.
The drug industry recently voiced a loud slogan "Do a business to meet the scale of company". This seems to come out from the recent overall economic declining trend and a serious economic pressure typically given to ...
Fair Trade Act to penalize unfair prescription business practices.
The MOHW took the 5th talks with the KPA on Oct. 25 at the Korea Health and Industry Promotion Board and discussed 27 subjects raised by the KPA including the prohibition of prescription business collusion between med...
Too many exceptional measures to make medical reform plans meaningless.
The direction of the government's medical reform plans seems to go far astray from its targeted destination by expanding to adopt too many exceptional measures as a result of inevitably accepting unilateral demands so...
Medical side decided to participate in tripartite council meeting.
The medical community decided to attend the Oct. 25 meeting of so called Tripartite Talks Meeting, comprising of the representatives from the government, the medical and the pharmacy communities to discuss revision to...
Orphan Drug Administration Center raised many problems.
In the Parliamentary Inspection of the Government administration on Oct. 20 the Assembly member Ko Jin-boo pointed out that 62% of the total operation budget for the Orphan Drug Center, 600 million won, was allocated ...
Medical reform program to give privileges to over 65 year old patients.
The ruling party and the government agreed to enact exceptional provisions of excluding application of the current medical and pharmacy role separation system to the elderly (over 65 year old) and handicap patients, p...
Stepwise health registration process to apply for pharmaceutical bulk.
According to the KFDA plans, the health registration system will be gradually applied to the pharmaceutical raw materials for enhancement of the material safety controls, and the new clinical studies was scheduled to ...