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KPA urged government not to discuss revision to pharmaceutical affairs law with medical community.
The KPA, a pharmacist lobbying organization, clearly stated on Oct. 20 that they would never accept any attempt of revising the pharmaceutical affairs law containing many contradicted issues to their interests includi...
Ban on substitutive dispensing acts may boost illicit deals.
Since the medical and pharmacy role separation system was lauanched, many illicit business practices in drug trades have been prevailed in the market. Even drug companies provided unlawful rebates to medical institute...
Medical community's policy inclined to patient's optional dispensing system.
A new issue in the medical and pharmacy role separation program has surfaced to the public from the medical community. The key issue was to give an option to patients in their prescription filling at either hospitals,...
Pharmaceutical affairs law revision came back to old plans.
It is very funny to note that the current revision bills of the pharmaceutical affairs law (the substitutive dispensing except the drugs of bio-equivalency tested was prohibited and Injectable drugs were excluded from...
Government hardly found ways for current medical issues to sort out.
Interns/residents Association called for a suspension of the negotiation talks between the government and the medical community over the current medical issues. Accordingly, the government efforts for the problem solv...
Chances for licensing-in of new drugs from abroad more difficult.
As most of foreign multinational drug corporations already established their business presence in Korea, it is far less chances for domestic drug companies to make a licensing business tie-up with foreign research com...
Negotiation between government and medical community focused on drug reclassification.
Negotiation between the government and the medical community once kept in deadlock on account of the disputed issue over the compromising talks with pharmacists has come now under active resumption especially on the s...
Drug industry to oppose substitutive dispensing restriction only for proven drugs of bio-equivalency
The pharmaceutical industry strongly opposed, as saying "Nonsense".
against the issue of restricting the substitutive dispensing only for the drugs already proved with its bio-equivalency test in the negotiation betw...
10 drug companies may enter business with Zuellig
Mr. Christian Stoeckling, President of Zuellig Korea announced in the press interview in presence of many representatives of foreign multinational drug corporations on Oct. 13 that his company is currently negotiating...
Korea Research Institute of Chemistry conducted drug toxicokinetic test on Primates.
A drug toxicokinetic test on monkey has been conducted for the first time in Korea, providing a milestone in saving time and cost for the required preclinical studies of a new drug development.
The Safety Research...