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8 drug companies listed in Kosdaq achieved good business in 3 quarter period this year.
8 drug companies listed in KOSDAQ have achieved good profiles of their net sales and profits during the first 3 quarters this year. 8 companies include Kyungdong, Daehan, Samchundang, Seoul, Shinil, Ahnkuk, Zoa and Ji...
Legislation for hazardous product control under move.
To enhance the administrative control on other hazardous products than foods and drugs, the KFDA now tries to enact "The Hazardous Product Safety Control Law".
The targeted items are hazardous products to human bod...
KPA to determine final approval for agreed issues with medical communities.
The KPA plans to finalize the current medical reform issues before the end of this week, most of which were agreed with the medical delegates during the 3 way talks.
However, it seems to be not easy for them to mak...
Ban on drug advertising related with PPA ingredient
The KPMA's Preview Committee for Pharmaceutical Advertising notified all member companies not to do any drug advertising by quoting PPA (Phenylpropanolamine: a sympathomimetic agent) ingredient, which is found in doze...
Current major issues reached to agreement in tripartite meeting.
The 3 way talks among the government, the medical and the pharmacy representatives began from Oct. 31 and continued 6 meetings for 12 days to discuss 12 topics including the prohibition of pharmacist's substitutive di...
Pharmacist communities called for overall adjustment over agreed issues at recent 3 way meeting.
16 chairmen from city and provincial KPAs expressed their official position over the current issues closely reached to an agreement at the tripartite meeting among the government, the medical and the pharmacy represen...
Drug industry in mingled feeling of joy and sorrow over substitutive dispensing and other issues.
The recent agreement in the 3 way talks among the government, the medical and the pharmacy representatives over the current medical reform issues seems to yield many different feelings especially in foreign multinatio...
Hospital pharmacy downsized under medical reform program.
The 20th Conference of the Korea Society of Hospital Pharmacist was held from Nov. 11 to 12 at Mooju Resort, Chunbuk Province, and a survey disclosed a lot of hospital pharmacist manpower layoff at most of hospitals a...
Government, medical and pharmacy tripartite meeting closely reached accords.
In the 6th tripartite meeting on Nov. 10 many pending issues seemed to make a close agreement among the government, the medical and the pharmacy representatives, and it is therefore expected that almost 4 month long s...
Exceptional application plan for injectable drugs and elderly patients.
Minister Cha raised an exceptional application of the government's medical reform plan for injectable drugs and elderly patients during the 5th tripartite meeting on Nov. 9 and will propose it to discuss further in de...