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Tripartite meeting drew far closer accord on disputed issues.
In the 5th tripartite meeting started from 6 p.m. on Nov. 9 to the next day morning at the conference hall of the MOHW, many disputed issues including the substitutive dispensing made closer agreement especially at th...
7 drug companies found unfair pricing practices for general drugs.
The KPA found that 7 drug companies supplied 12 different general drugs to pharmacies at far higher prices than the standard level by taking opportunity of drug supply shortage problems in the market at an early imple...
KFDA approved 215 additional substitutive dispensing drugs.
The KFDA announced to add 215 new items of drugs to the substitutive dispensing category, now the total number of substitutive dispensing drugs being 3,345 products.
The KFDA announced the substitutive dispensing d...
Imported drugs must label its import prices.
Rep. Kim Chan-woo of the GNP strongly called for labelling the import price on all imported health supplement foods and for checking regularly its quality after he surveyed the distribution status of health supplement...
Revision of pharmaceutical affairs law to complete within the end of year.
On behalf of President Kim Dae-jung, Prime Minister Lee Han-dong delivered the president's current policy message to the people at 11 a.m. Nov. 8 in the occasion of the National Assembly session that the President dee...
Vitamin compounded drugs to classify under quasi-drugs.
The KFDA announced a revised manufacturing guideline for vitamins, minerals, topical spray type of pain-killers, low dosed Vitamins and mineral preparations and nutrient/tonic/alteratives. titled "Guideline for Standa...
Dissented revised bill of pharmaceutical affairs law to reject its pass.
In the parliamentary audit from Nov. 6 to 7, the Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly sharply criticized the government's immatured medical reform programs and strongly urged to extract a people's con...
Unfair rebates to cut off by prescribing in generic name.
In the 2nd tripartite meeting on Nov. 1 the pharmacist association claimed that any unfair and illegal rebates prevailed between medical institutes and drug manufacturers can be blocked by prescribing medications in g...
Pharmaceutical industry to initiate major restructuring process.
Recent Hanmi's merger of Dongshin seems to gear up a major industrial restructuring movement that has remained latent since quite a long time, by either an aggressive approach, an acquisition and merger of other compa...
Bio-equivalent test required for special dosage formed drugs.
Mr. Yang Kyu-whan, the head administrator of the KFDA reported in the Parliamentary Inspection of Government administration that cardiac, anti-cancer and anti-convulsant drugs, a relatively narrow range of its safety,...