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Development trend in modified drugs, ‘complex antidiabetics’

The Korean pharmaceutical companies’ development trend of modified drugs was analyzed as development of complex antidiabetics. According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s Online Drug Library, the number of dr...

ICER values to be revealed in first half of the next year

The ICER values, which have been a standard to set health insurance prices for drugs, are scheduled to be released in the first half of this year. The Drug Benefit Office of the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Se...

Prosecution sentences KPIC to about KRW 1.7 billion additional fee for leaking personal info.

Accused of leaking personal information, the Korea Pharmaceutical Information Center(KPIC) was sentenced to pay a KRW 50 million fine and an additional fee of KRW 1 billion 669 million 570 thousand 73. The 22nd Crimi...

Shift of investment from ICT service to ‘biopharmaceutical & medical’

Recently, the amount of investment into ventures in the biotechnology and medical field exceeded the one in the ICT(Information and Communication Technology) service field, it become the top field invested the most, w...

‘3 Rebate Prohibition Bills’ passes, tightening punishment to 3 years of prison

As the revision bill to state the entire substances of drug & quasi-drug, 8 amendments to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law were decided at the general meeting. Since the entire amendments were passed, the ‘3 Rebate Proh...

Concerns over Korean pharmas if Hillary Clinton wins at the election

The world is paying attention to a result of the U.S. Presidential Election on the 8th, which has drawn interests for the fierce competition between the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the Republ...

Health and Welfare Committee decided request for inspection on Hanmi’s ‘Olita’

The National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee decided inspection requests from the Board of Audit and Inspection on 4 cases, such as the side effect incident of Hanmi Pharm’s ‘Olita Tab.’ The 4 decided cases are...

High chance remote drug dispensers to be tabled within this year

There is a high chance an amendment to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law for implementation of remote drug dispensers will be tabled within this year. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW), the amendmen...

Delegation of Hessen, Germany, visited M Lab in Song-do

In order to promote cooperation for investment and strengthen relationship between Korean and German medium-sized companies, the delegation of Hessen, consisting of the vice president of Hessen(minister of economy, en...

CorePharm Bio wins patent infringement trial against Astellas

CorePharm Bio won the prohibition trial for patent infringement against Astellas Pharma. CorePharm Bio(CEO Jung-Tae Kim) announced the 13 Civil Case Division of Seoul Central District Court ruled CorePharm Bio’s A-C...

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