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Drug wholesale community not to take part in distribution information project.
The drug wholesale community decided not to take part in the drug distribution information system project but to gather their efforts over the establishment of drug logistic center,
The KPhWA took a directorate me...
Prices of 1,400 drugs may cut down by 10% on average.
The MOHW plans to cut down the insurance drug prices of 1,400 items by about 10% on average, which gave a big embarrassment to the drug industry.
The MOHW took price checks through medical institutes from Oct. to D...
Appealing chance to allow for companies before drug price slash.
The government earlier inspected the actual drug market prices in the field last year, and found out that some products were supplied at dumping prices. Based on this detected data the government intended to apply ov...
Drug overseas export sales very slow last year.
The pharmaceutical export last year showed very slow while the import rose remarkably, indicating unbalanced international trades in pharmaceutical industrial sector.
According to the KPhTA report dated on Feb. 8 a...
Insurance drug price to adjust only when price dumping trade identified.
The price reduction of medical insurance drugs will be made only for the item, through the hearing process, identified with evidence of its price dumping, which may remarkably relieve the industrial discomfort along w...
KFDA to appeal against court's decision on Ferrithin issue.
In connection with the recent court decision on the Ferrithin issue, an anti-anemic agent, produced with a horse spleen extract, the KFDA clarified that a strong counter measure including the appeal to the high court ...
Prescription drug wholesaler Sungchang and Kaya merged.
A merger was declared in Feb. 3 by Sungchang wholesaler (President: Mr. Cho Sun-hae) and Kaya (President: Mr. Lee Wan), which attracted interested attention to the industry, in view of showing active industrial restru...
Disposal measure of Ferrithin preparations judged unfair.
The KFDA's licence cancellation and recall measures against Ferrithin preparations has been judged wrong recently by the court.
The Seoul District Administrative Court, the IVth Division (Judge: Mr. Cho Byung-hyun)...
Unfair drug deals preventive when substitutive dispensing permitted.
The pharmacist community claimed that the current unfair trade practices in connection with drug supplies widely spreaded in hospitals would be eliminated only when the pharmacist's substitutive dispensing being permi...
Medical community strongly protests recent police investigation.
The medical community strongly resists against the recent investigation by the National Police Agency over 1,000 physicians against their kickbacks in connection with drug deals.
The protesting statements were anno...