All Type of News
KFDA in need of more professional manpower.
The KFDA has faced an absolute need for more professional manpower and a safety administrative organization, thus requiring for an institutional support at the government level in order to accomplish sufficient jobs a...
Agreement in 3 way talks promptly to reflect in enforcement decrees.
According to the report of Minister Choi Sun-jung of MOHW presented to the President on Jan. 31 the MOHW plans to make revision of the enforcement decree of the pharmaceutical affairs law to reflect the agreed topics ...
Upper price limits set up for 745 new insurance drugs.
The upper price limits for 745 new insurance drugs have been determined at
the Drug Expert Committee's meeting to take effect from February 10.
The new drugs by therapeutic category showed 1) 84 items (64 oral, 11 ...
Medical reform program unfavorable only to people and pharmacies.
The government's medical and pharmacy role separation system has been almost 6 months since it launched in Aug. last year after one month probation period. However, this reform program seems rather to go giving damage...
Stock prices of drug industry plunged by total 270.2 billion won as of year end.
The total stock value of the listed pharmaceutical companies revealed 270,200 million won of losses in 2000 according to the stock exchange statistics reported on Dec. 22, 2000 against major 36 stock listed drug compa...
All medical and pharmaceutical professions in struggle to gain their own shares.
Irrespective of the external environmental changes in the medical and pharmaceutical professions as resulted from implementation of the government's medical and pharmacy role separation system and of the new medical...
Anti-arthritis drug, Milican inj. on clinical phase IIb.
Dongwha Pharmaceutical company announced that Milican inj. a new anti-rheumatoid arthritis agent, completed its clinical phase I and IIa studies, and the phase IIb study seemed to follow soon according to the KFDA's a...
Clinical study institutes to inspect in February
The KFDA plans to inspect the KGCP (Korea Good Clinical Practice) institutes during coming February. The KFDA said that about 69 clinical study institutes should get the inspection, of which 43 already completed to pr...
Foreign multinational drug corporations predominated whole anti-cancer markets
According to a survey conducted by Medicalspace Co., a cyber medical information
company from Aug. to Nov. last year over 20 leading general hospitals (800 beds
on average) (President: Mr. LeeByung-wook, www.m...
Pharmacy community not to accept exclusion of injectable drugs
The pharmacist community expressed a harsh backlash against the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law Revision Subcommittee for the movement of excluding all injectable drugs from the application of the current medical reform p...