All Type of News
Deer antlers excluded from the subject of heavy metal investigation
Animal natural medicine including deer antlers is excluded from the subject of heavy metal investigation.
KFDA announced drawing up of the revised bill of testing method of natural medicine's heavy metal permissibl...
SPA hold resolution meeting to defend desperately injection on May 29
Seoul Pharmaceutical Association decided that they will hold executive resolution meeting to block the exclusion of injection from medical program on May 29.
If government's insurance financial stabilization measu...
Prescription in generic name likely to legislate.
The MOHW seemed to enforce physician's prescriptions to write in generic name for the drugs already proven of their equal efficacies to the original drugs through a biological equivalent test in compromise with which ...
To hold fast to its principals such as the injection drugs
Regarding the Government's plan to exclude the injection drugs from the separation for the convenience of the people, KPA made its standpoint clear to oppose again.
Having discussed pending problems, such as the re...
Pharmaceutical Circles, participating in the distribution data corporation
Holding a urgent directors meeting at the Renaissance Hotel in Seoul on May 23, the Korean Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association(KPMA) decided to actively participate in establishing an operation and management cor...
The Separation System is the cause of 'the financial crackdown'
"Real causes of the disastrous state of medical insurance finances are rash execution of the separation system and excessive raise of the medical charge."
Relieved of his post for insisting on correcting the integ...
Wholesales accepted Zuellig's distribution margin.
Zuellig Wholesale Customer Association (hereinafter called Zuellig Association) organized with 40 drug wholesalers currently dealing with Zuellig (a foreign multinational drug wholesalers) took a meeting at Tower hot...
Substitutive dispensing restriction weakens native drug industry
17 civic groups including the solidarity for people's health as right, the people's solidarity for participatory democracy, the citizen's coalition for economic justice and the Korea confederation of trade union gathe...
Physicians may directly dispense injectable drugs.
For the sake of people's conveniency the government intends to exclude all injectable drugs from the current medical and pharmacy role separation program.
Moreover, the government will adopt so called "Diminishing ...
Take great pains with the last coordination for financial stabilization
In the midst of settling on 'complicated measure for insurance financial stabilization' up to the end of May, Ministry of Health and Welfare suffer throes of the last coordination with medical and pharmaceutical circl...