All Type of News
Pharmacy dispensing charges likely to readjust.
The MOHW's plans for the NHI financial stabilization included the readjustment of the medical and pharmacy service charges.
In the recent explanatory meeting with the pharmacist association the MOHW suggested a fut...
Bio-equivalent test institutes drastically to multiply.
In an attempt to facilitate substitutive dispensing practices in the field the KFDA intended to expand the research institutes especially for the bio-equivalent studies, a drug efficacy equivalent test,
To boost i...
Multinational corporations, rebel against the request of voluntary reduction of medicine prices
Around KRPIA, multinational pharmaceutical companies are rebelling against the request of the Health and Welfare Ministry (MOHW) asking the voluntary reduction of medicine prices.
It was known to be caused by the ...
Censure of BAI could be repelled by a legal action
While the Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) put off its final decision about what recommendations to make for 'the financial disaster at the National Health Insurance (NHI)', which was scheduled to be May 21, the re...
Drug logistic project goes adrift.
As a result of the direct medication payment system being at least one more year postponed, the Drug Logistic Association has lost its place to stand up.
The Logistic Association was supposed to get 2 different fun...
Investment 'Drive' on Distribution Information System Corporation
The Government and the industry are accelerating the speed of establishing a corporation to operate and manage the Medical Supplies Distribution Information System.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare sent its Vice...
Lung Cancer is rapidly increasing, Gastric Cancer is decreasing
It was found that the lund cancer is rapidly increasing.
The gastric cancer is the most common cancer and men have more cancers than women.
The result of the 20th Korean Cancer Registration Work researched by th...
MDP Opposes Punishment of Officials in charge of Separation
The Millennium Democratic Party made known its position that the civil servants executing policies should be protected, regarding the movement of the Board of Audit and Inspection to punish the officials at the Minist...
KFDA requires bridge test data for product registration.
Taking effect from July the KFDA requires the bridge test data for any new drugs in their health registration process, and will recognize the toxicological test data from Jan. 1, 2003 only performed at the GLP standar...
Medical and pharmacy communities in harsh disputes on topical drug reclassification.
The government plans called for the issue on drug reclassifications to be completed until the end of coming June, showing, unfortunately, a tensive confrontation especially on the topical drugs between medical and pha...