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Unicity Korea Regularize Sales in Domestic Market.

Unicity Korea, joint corporation of three global network marketing companies of Royal Numico in Netherlands, Enrich International and Rexall, which composed huge sales network of pharmacy chain in United States held a...

China's Joining to WTO Good Opportunity for Korean Company

How will China's joining to WTO affect to Korean Pharmaceutical Industry? As China joined to WTO officially on 10th there is a diversity of opinion about the effect to pharmaceutical industry in Korea in the future...

KPMA Promote to Compose Consortium to Develop New Medicine

KPMA put premise that the corporation model which Korean Pharmaceutical Industry can continue its development is the one progresses fair transaction and the other one with development capability of research and decide...

GSK's Success of Localization Management Attract Attention.

As foreign capital companies with superior product and marketing power making inroads to Korean market created friction with Korean Pharmaceutical Industry due to their exclusive marketing & sales strategy GlaxoSmithK...

KMA Establishes Review Organization of Separation System To Form Political Power.

KMA declared to form political power for the second time as professional association following Korea Federation of Teacher's Association. KMA held a resolution at a conference of doctor's representative to form po...

POSTECH Launch to Build Largest Private BT Research Center.

The largest scaled Research Center specializing Bio Technology in Korea will have a ground breaking ceremony on 19th and is looking forward for opening in 2003. Pohang University of Science and Technology began co...

1,307 non-prescription drugs converted to non-NHI reimbursed items.

The MOHW announced on Nov. 19 that effective from Jan. and April next year 1,307 non-prescription drugs including digestive enzyme preparations are deleted from the NHI reimbursement scheme as one of the NHI financial...

4,071 drugs completed to prove drug efficacy equivalency.

It was reported that the total 4,071 drugs completed their drug efficacy equivalent tests. The KFDA said that 3,701 drugs earlier finished the drug efficacy equivalent tests by 7 different occasions and additional ...

Diminishing System of Medicine Management Charge Postponed for a month.

The Diminishing System of Medicine Management Charge which was scheduled to be enforced on December 1st has been postponed for one month and will be carried out starting next year. Although Ministry of Health and ...

Third party manufacturing for clinical samples allowed

Effective from Feb. next year the third party manufacturing for clinical samples seems to be granted. Any new drug in clinical trials can be administered under the KFDA's prior approval far before its commercializ...

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