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3.2 Pharmacies Closed - 4.5 Hospitals Opened

It was known that 3.2 pharmacies decreased and 4.5 hospitals increased a day on the average for the effect of medical & pharmaceutical separation, which shows a comparison between pharmacy and hospital. According t...

Confusing legal interpretation over premise use changes for annexed pharmacy

A public attention has piled up on the fact that each court made different judges over the authorization standards for establishment of the annexed pharmacy on the land or building of hospitals after its legal use cha...

Yakmaek club volunteerly declared business breaks with Zuellig.

A pharmaceutical wholesaler's friendly club named "Yakmaek" met together in Jan. 18 and 19 at Jeju island and decided to suspend their business deals with Zuellig after discussing overall changes in drug market enviro...

Heo Young-sup, President at Green Cross Corp, Won Korea CEO Award

Heo Young-sup, president at Korea Green Cross Corp, won the second Korea CEO Award (at the department of medium enterprise) by Korea CEO society (president Park Gwang-seo, professor at SCH University) at the internati...

Students of Pharmaceutical College Avoid Graduate School at Serious Level

Phenomenon that students from pharmaceutical college avoid entering graduate school reaches a serious level. The fact is that the shortage phenomenon of students from pharmaceutical college within pharmaceutical gr...

Wholesale community worried foreign drug companies to rush joining Zuellig.

The drug wholesale industry has faced a confounding situation from the solid business policy shown by Zuellig associated pharmaceutical companies in their deals. The wholesale community urged the Youngnam Pharmace...

Drug company salesmen to equip with high-tech instruments.

"I am going out directly to work places without visit to the office every day. All orders and cash collection from the customers are made through my PDA (personal digital assistance)" said a salesman of pharmaceutical...

New Medicine Union Expands R&D Consortium Business

It is expected that joint consortium among industry, school, and institute will be operated this year with the main members of domestic R&D pharmaceutical manufacturers. Korea New Medicine Development Research Unio...

Pharmacies Have 'Nuisance' over Narrow Place for Storing Prescription

It is specified that the limit of storing prescriptions at pharmacies is 5 years on National Health Insurance Law and 2 years on Pharmacy Law according to the current regulation, so prescriptions should be stored by 5...

Illegal Health-Foods goes over dangerous level at Hospitals.

At hospitals, an illegal act of selling health foods or prescribing foods as if they are effective for disease treatment goes over a dangerous level, using the restless mentality of patients. Korea Food & Drug Admi...

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