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Domestic drug companies to activate development of bio-engineering products

To pave an advanced way for the forthcoming bio-tech era the domestic leading pharmaceutical companies are actively taking part in the R&D investment for the development of bio-engineering products in view of keeping...

Youngnam Wholesale Association to reinforce struggle against Zuellig.

Youngnam Pharmaceutical Wholesale Association earlier declared their "Struggle" campaign against Zuellig and took a meeting in Busan on Jan. 17 to discuss far reinforced struggling plans for their wholesale business p...

Domestic Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Adjusted Export Amount Higher

Major pharmaceutical manufacturers in the country have a policy to devote all their energies to the export expansion strategy by exploiting new market this year, too. According to this, they plan to substantially e...

44 Ingredients and 72 Items of Clinical Medicines Approved

It was known that the clinical medicines approved as new medicines were 44 ingredients and 72 items last year. According to the current approval situation of clinical medicines for 2001 Korea Food & Drug Administra...

It's Legal to Establish Pharmacy within Hospital after Changing Use

A decision came out that in case of establishing a pharmacy after changing the use of site at hospital, it was difficult to see it as a medical organization or enclosure facility. 11 Department at Seoul Administra...

Post-notification not required for substituted dispensing

In the talk meeting for activation of the bio-equivalent test program at Palace hotel on Jan. 16 the MOHW indicated that the government and public hospitals will purchase the drugs proven of its bio-equivalency to the...

Since Separation, Use of Antibiotic Medicine & Injection Evidently Has Decreased

It was known that the use of antibiotic medicine and injection has decreased since separation. According to the material Ministry of Health & Welfare announced, the medicating days of antibiotic medicine decreased ...

CEOs of two big drug wholesale rivals reconciled.

Mr. Kim Ki-woon of Baekjae drug wholesale company and Mr. Um Joo-sang of Boksan drug wholesale company dramatically reached to an amicable hand-shake, giving a momentum for the pharmaceutical wholesale community to bi...

Jeullig Pharma Pharmaceutical Manufactures Repulsed Insistence of Wholesale Industry

In relation to the announcement of Young-nam Medical Pharmaceutical Wholesale Association that it broke Jeullig contract, pharmaceutical manufactures attending Jeullig Pharma went out for repulsion. The attending p...

Hospitals to be Intensively Supervised if They Change Prescription On Occasion

Ministry of Health & Welfare decided to intensively supervise hospitals which change prescriptions on occasion in consultation with specific pharmacies & leave the surrounding pharmacies out and propel a method of gra...

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