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Korean biotechnology companies need differentiated strategies

What are essential conditions for Korean biopharmaceutical companies to grow ahead of the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Global experts chose governmental innovation and executive ability as the condition, stressing d...

Jae-In Moon, “Biopharmaceutical industry will go with publicity and profitability”

President Jae-In Moon said the government will carry out active investments and rational regulations in both aspects, publicness and profitability, to nurture the Korean biopharmaceutical industry. On the 28th, Presi...

Handok completes construction of plaster factory with KRW 30 billion investment

Handok(Chairman Young-Jin Kim) held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for ‘Plaster Manufacturing Factory’ at Eumseong Factory in Chungbuk on the 27th. Handok secured ‘Ketotop,’ an atta...

Manufacturing performance and balance-of-trade surpluses exceeds respective KRW 13 trillion and KRW 3 trillion last year

It was examined that the last year’s manufacturing performance and trade surpluses of cosmetics exceeded KRW 13 trillion and KRW 3 trillion respectively. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) announced on the 27...

Obligation to inform MOHW if electronic medical records are hacked

A bill was tabled to obligate to make a report to the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) if electronic medical records are hacked. The Minjoo Party Rep. Sang-Hee Kim representatively tabled the ‘Partial Revision Bi...

Blue House nominates candidate for Justice Minister, not Minister of Health and Welfare again

The Blue House nominated a candidate for Minister of Justice, but did not appointed minister candidates for Minister of Health and Welfare(MOHW) and Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(MOTIE). The Blue House nomin...

Enforcement of financial payments report system for pharmas on 1 Jan 2018

From January 1, if a pharmaceutical company(or medical device manufacturer) provides financial benefits to health care providers, it must be summarized in a report, and the report must be stored; moreover, if the Mini...

FTC starts intensive inspection about patent license on 71 pharmas

The FTC will intensively inspect the custom related to patent license in the pharmaceutical industry, such as pay-for-delay, on 71 pharmaceutical companies in Korea. The Fair Trade Commission(FTC) announced on the 26...

Grace period for Serial Number Reporting System extended from 6 months to 1.5 years

Ahead of the Serial Number Reporting Obligation, a grace period for administrative punishment will be extended to safely settle the system. While the system will still be implemented on July 1 as scheduled, the grace...

MFDS internationally recognized in approval and assessment fields of biosimilar

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) announced on the 26th that Korea has been reappointed as a IPRF Biosimilar Working Group member country at the ‘International Pharmaceutical Regulators Forum and Internationa...

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