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Continuous efforts to legislate regulations to prevent use of pharmaceutical name on foods

Legislative efforts to legally prevent products that are medication from impersonating pharmaceutical products. Recently, the ‘Partial Revision Bill to the Food Sanitation Law’ representatively tabled by The Minjoo P...

‘Yong-Ik Kim or woman’ as candidate for Minister of Health and Welfare

It was told the first Minister of Health and Welfare of the Jae-In Moon administration would be appointed today(26th) at the soonest. While former Rep. Yong-Ik Kim is anticipated to be the strongest candidate, it was ...

KPBMA’s aggressive moves for open innovative ‘hub’

The Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association(KPBMA) has attracted attention as showing bold moves to make Korea an open innovative hub for industries, universities and institutes in terms of pharm...

National Assembly and government’s efforts for ‘supply of essential medicines’

The respective National Assembly and government are looking for solutions to supply national essential medicines that are necessary in Korea. After going through various discussions about a consultative group and pub...

Introduction of ‘pre-review system’ for quick approval procedure for biologics

As a method to support quick approval and commercialization of biologics, the pre-review system is going to be implemented. On the 26th, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) recently made a pre-announcement of ...

“Pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries badly need ‘government’s support’ to grow”

An opinion was suggested that Korean pharmaceutical companies badly need the government’s support to expand their market share in the new drug development market and nurture the pharmaceutical and biotechnology indust...

Yuhan Corporation spreads possibility of developing innovative medicines

In order to get ready ahead of the aging society that is globally spread and develop innovative medicines to treat diseases related to the trend, Yuhan Corporation has selected a strategy to focus on the anticancer an...

Government works on incrementally adjusting standard amounts for outpatient medical expenses and dispensing fees for senior citizens

A bill was tabled to incrementally adjust standard amounts for outpatient medical expenses and dispensing fees for senior citizens to respective KRW 20,000 and KRW 13,000. Liberty Korea Party Rep. Seung-Hee Kim repre...

MFDS controls tooth polisher and portable oxygen as quasi drug

Products, such as tooth polishers and portable oxygen, will be designated as quasi drug. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) made a pre-announcement of the ‘Partial Revision Bill to the Regulations for Categor...

Enforcement of Entire Substance Indication System for Quasi Drugs after December

In accordance with a revision bill to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, the Entire Substance Indication System for Quasi Drugs from the 3rd of December. On the 22nd of June, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) m...

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