News About: Pharm. Industry
EU poised to toughen clinical trial regulations
Korean pharmaceutical companies wishing to conduct clinical trials in the European Union will see tougher regulations with the implementation of new EU Clinical Trials Directive on May 1, according to the Korea Drug R...
Public hearing for industrial technology road map over gene therapy.
Korea Drug Research Association (Chairman: Cho Ui-whan) will have a public hearing meeting at Renaissance hotel by inviting relevant personnels from the industry, academy and research institutes and press teams at 1:3...
Stielfel Korea to commit 20% growth in 2004.
Stielfel Korea (President: Kwon Seon-ju) took the 6th workshop from April 15 to 17 at Ahnmyeon island for a new company leap, wherein each division presented reports picturing the company visions after 5 years and sha...
Domestic pharmaceutical firms mired in lackluster performance
Influenced by sluggish OTC sales amid domestic business slump after implementation of SDP function in 2000, Korean pharmaceutical firms are feeling the pinch from lower growth in sales and net incomes, while foreign-i...
Domestic pharmaceutical firms brace for sluggish sales
Amid protracted business recession in the first half of this year, major pharmaceutical firms have been launching a wide variety of marketing campaigns to activate the domestic ethical market, as part of their...
Daewoong stock prices possibly recovering from 4th quarter.
Daewoong stock prices seem to upturn from the 4th fiscal quarter (Jan. to Mar.) after solving the whole stocks retained by Hangang Transformation Fund this week.
Security analyst Kim Hui-seong of Hanyang Security C...
World Courier begins biomedical transport services in Korea
With a full range of services tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals and life science researchers in Korea, some express companies, such as World Courier and Sinil Express, are now expanding their presence ...
Market share of foreign-invested pharmaceutical firms increasing
Domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers are losing market share to foreign-invested firms since the implementation of SDP function (separation of drug dispensing from medical practice), according to data compiled by Yak...
LG to export technologies of new drug for B viral hepatitis.
LG Life Science Co. has developed a new drug for the treatment of B viral hepatitis under the code of B80380 and tried to explore a strategic business tie-up with Anadys Corp. of America for an earlier commercializati...
CJ Corporation targets 1 trillion won in 2008 sales revenue
CJ Corporation unveiled its mid- and long-term plan to achieve a trillion won in sales with an aim to emerge one of the leading global companies by reshaping itself through mergers and substantial R&D investment to st...