News About: Pharm. Industry

KPMA to stand harsh against KFDA's administrative measures.

As to the recent KFDA's administrative measures against the drug maker's direct drug deals with hospitals, the KPMA determined in the directorate meeting on April 11 a strong counter measure including an administrativ...

Pharmaceutical industry on a brisk business management.

The pharmaceutical industry has met a brisk business management again since 2001 when the management kept the top record after the implementation of the medical and pharmacy role separation system but came down therea...

Janssen Korea scholarship for 115 students.

Janssen Korea took a scholarship ceremony at Kangnam head office on April 15 for 115 junior and senior high school students as much as 179,170 thousand won. The scholarship ...

Daewoong holding Diabex XR symposium

Daewoong took a scientific symposium for Diabex XR, an anti-diabetic drug, to launch at Jamsil Lotte hotel on April 11. Prof. Woo Jeong-taek of Kyunghee Univ. College of Medi...

Foreign Drug Corporations doing drug import not manufacture.

Most of foreign drug corporations raise questions whether they really came to Korea to help Korean economy under their simple import and marketing business with products from their head offices although they claimed t...

Janssen to recruit patients for phase III clinical study for Velcade

Janssen Korea wanted volunteer patients who take part in the phase III clinical studies for Velcade, a multiple myeloma drug. The clinical study will be conducted at 4 centers including SNU hospital, Samsung Seoul ...

1500 patients on free benefits for Gleevec treatment.

During the past 7 months about 1,500 patients with chronic myeloid leukemia have received a full NHI coverage benefit for Gleevec medication according to Novartis Korea. Novartis Korea has provided "Patient support...

KWPA firmly keeping unified drug distribution system.

The Korea Pharmaceutical Wholesalers Association (KPWA) stood against the movement of abolishing the unified drug distribution system that was recently controversial linked with the KFDA's detection of the drug maker'...

A Korean new asthma therapy published in Nature magazine.

A new therapeutic technology for the treatment of asthma jointly developed by Daewon and Forhuman Tech was published on the On-line of Nature magazine, a world reputed science journal dated on April 10, 2006. The t...

GSK to make massive ambassadors for AIDS prevention.

Ensuing the previous year, GSK supported the Korea Federation for HIV/AIDS Prevention (KAIDS) to foster more "Adolescent Information Ambassadors for AIDS Prevention" this year too. GSK supported diverse AIDS prev...

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