News About: Pharm. Industry

Daewoong's Erdos confirmed its COPD effects.

In the Spring conference of the Korea Society of TB and Repiratory Tracts at Daeduk Convention Center in Daejon city, Daewoong took a symposium on the title of "Anti-oxidant effects of Erdos (erdosteine). Prof. Ne...

Drug wholesalers business well performed in 2005.

Despite many difficulties in the wholesale business the drug wholesalers reported more than 20% of net and operating income on average compared to the previous year, and favorable sales as well. By company, Baik...

MOHW to disclose new drug pricing system plan.

The MOHW announced to disclose a new drug price system plan called "Positive system" some time in May. In the meeting with the KPMA on April 5, the Insurance and Pension Policy Division of MOHW said that the positi...

Industry saying "no supply problem" over KFDA's measures.

Recent KFDA's measures against the illegal drug distribution facts has raised concerns about possible drug supply shortage problems because of many products to suspend their sales for one or 3 months, a relevant indus...

KFDA's measures causing unified distribution system to abolish

The drug company directly dealt with hospitals was administratively measured by the KFDA on April 10, however, its aftermath may trigger the industry with a movement of abolishing the unified drug distribution system....

Pfizer Korea partly to recall Novarsc on package error.

Pfizer Korea said on April 5 that a small quantity of Novarsc 5mg, 500 tablet glass bottle (Lot No. 3390 05395 and shelf life up to June 26, 2008) found uncompleted bottle package finishing and the company decided to ...

Hanmi to reinforce injectable anticancer drug lines.

Hanmi announced recently to launch 2 injectable anti-cancer drugs such as Gembin (Gemcitabine) for the indication of non-small cell lung, bladder and pancreatic cancers and Inotecan (Irinotecan) in April and Liplatin ...

2005 business performances varied in foreign drug corporations.

The business performance in 2005 by most of foreign multinational drug corporations showed that some company made remarkable sales while net incomes substantially setback. Pfizer Korea having kept the top ran...

30 drug makers to commit no use of sodium benzoate.

30 beverage companies decided to strengthen their self QC in controlling the use of sodium benzoate as a preservative so that it may not be detected from their drink preparations. The Korea Food Industry Associatio...

Two drug wholesalers reported 2005 business performances.

Union reported 93,800 MW of sales in 2005, 22.57% up from the previous year, 1,250 MW of operating income (65.05% up), 1,053 MW of ordinary income (400 MW more than the previous year) and 770 MW of net income, 44.88% ...

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