News About: Goverment

Discriminatory clauses between Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and Medical Law analyzed

Pharmaceutical business sources say that there are a number of unfair provisions in the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law in terms of administrative dispositions, compared with the Medical Law. As for the same or similar...

Health ministry to eradicate unfair reimbursement claims via IT techniques

The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced it would install an information technology based management system to stabilize the finance of National Health Insurance Corporation by precluding any exaggerated or excess...

Bio-equivalent test for antibiotics mandatory.

The KFDA is considering to enact a provisional obligation for all antibiotics to get the bio-equivalent test. The KFDA discusses with the MOHW for the bio-equivalent test obligation to apply all antibiotics as well as...

Government to introduce new public report prizing system

The government announced it would introduce a new public report prizing system in a bid to preclude any unfair reimbursement claims by medical institution including pharmacies, as these activities have been rampant af...

Unofficial receipts issued by pharmacies not tax deductable.

The Ministry of Finance and Economy (MOFE) disclosed the draft of the revised working rules of the Income Tax Law in advance on Feb. 17 that any unofficial tax receipts issued by the medical institutions and pharmacie...

Health ministry to push ahead with compulsory issuance for two copies of doctor's prescription

In his reporting to the Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly on February 13, Kim Sung-ho, minister of Health and Welfare, said that his ministry will soon prepare the necessary regulations designed to...

Encouraging more substituted dispensing

The KFDA suggested the MOHW to ease the current restricted provisions over the substituted dispensing especially for the drug proven of its bio-equivalency on occasion of their ordinary administration report to the Na...

More clarification on items and standards of physicochemical equivalence testing

Pharmaceutical business sources say that to expedite the substitute drug dispensing via physicochemical equivalence testing of items whose bioequivalence testing is unnecessary or impossible, the Korea Food and Drug A...

KFDA willing to lure multinational joint clinical trials

The Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) unveiled its plan to actively attract the multinational joint clinical trials to Korea in a bid to improve the level of domestic clinical trials and acquire the foreign R&...

Dextromethorphan and others to put under narcotic controls.

The KFDA intends to designate Dextromethorphan hydrobromide (Romilar) and Carisoprodol (Analexin tab.), which are prevalent as a narcotic substituted drug in the market, under the narcotic (psychotropic drugs) drug co...

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