News About: Goverment

Health ministry to open its screening procedure for reimbursement of insurance drugs

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) announced that the existing screening procedure for reimbursement of insurance drugs will be drastically ameliorated via disclosure in a bid to ensure transparency in screenin...

MOHW mulls upper limits of patient's own payment.

In line with the NHI financial integration projects to launch from coming July this year, the MOHW is seriously studying an adoption of the patient's own payment at a certain level of upper limits for all service char...

2,803 drugs exclusively registered in NHI drug list.

The KFDA reported in the consolidated explanatory meeting on the subject of the bio-equivalency on Feb. 11 that the total 2,803 drugs have been registered exclusively in the NHI drug list, and urged other local drug c...

GNP to submit a bill in favor of separating the finance of national health insurance

21 lawmakers of Grand National Party including Rep. Lee Won-hyung submitted to the National Assembly their revised draft on the National Health Insurance Law on February 11, opposing the financial integration of both ...

Bioequivalence testing emerging as critical issue in domestic pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceutical business sources say that pharmaceutical manufacturing firms should pay more attention to bioequivalence testing due to that a variety of government policies designed to stabilize the finance of Nationa...

License and distribution system of OTCs to be drastically ameliorated

During a brief session with the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) on February 6, ten leading OTC markers including Dongwha Pharma and Yuhan Corp. urged the government to ameliorate the OTC-related regulations ...

Procedures for manufacturing and product license to be separated

The KFDA said it would streamline some administrative regulations together with its support plan, in order to ensure the earlier commercialization of biodrugs via scientific and efficient evaluation on the recent outc...

Body cell cloning permissible only for rare and incurable disease research.

The MOHW and the MOST decided to permit the body cell cloning only for the research purpose of rare and incurable diseases on Feb. 6, after their full reviews on the ethics of the life science in connection with its l...

KPMA to report irregular and unfair practices to FTC.

The pharmaceutical industries have provided physicians with various sponsorships to attend the overseas academic conferences or for the product detailing meetings under their marketing promotional activities, which wo...

236th special session of Health and Welfare Committee of National Assembly to be opened

The 236th Health and Welfare Committee will be held for 12 days beginning the reports of major administrative affairs from the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Welfare and the Korea Food and Drug Administration on F...

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