News About: Goverment

59 additional drugs to incentive dispensing items.

The Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA) announced on June 16 that 59 more drugs would be included to the incentive items for a substituted dispensing after approving their bio-equivalencies. Now, as of May 27 the t...

4 groups jointly agreed to measure against current issues.

4 medical and pharmaceutical organizations including Korea Pharmaceutical Association(KPA), Korea Medical Association(KMA), Korea Dental Medical Association(KDMA) and Korea Oriental Medical Association(KOMA) concurred...

Drug packages to show appropriate descriptions for consumers.

The KFDA plans to improve descriptions for all drug packages in order to provide better drug informations for consumers and to prevent drug abuse and misuse. In the OTC drug study workshop on June 12 led by Prof. ...

MOHW's more substantiated NHI development plans.

The MOHW presented the mid and long term development plans on June 17 for the national health insurance to the National Assembly Standing Committee through the NHI development panels (hereinafter called Panel). Wit...

KFDA okayed Iressa sales in Korea.

The KFDA approved Iressa, a non-small lung cancer drug developed by Astra Zeneca on June 14 after clearing the comparative dissolution test problems. The registration in Korea will be the 6th after Japan, America, ...

648 expensive drugs to put under major supervision.

Prescriptions for 648 expensive drugs will put under the special checking list and the government will take a special investigation for the medical institutions where these expensive drugs are habitually prescribed. ...

MOHW to legislate administrative measures against false and unfair bills.

The MOHW disclosed the revised draft of the working rules of the pharmaceutical affairs act on June 12 that adjusted and set up the standards for the administrative measures to the pharmacy against false and unfair bi...

Kyeongin KFDA was elected 2002 outstanding organization.

The KFDA appraised all affiliate organizations for the purpose of activating a creative and efficient working attitude of all officials through their policy implementing efforts and enthusiasm, and finally decided the...

KFDA to switch its penalty regulations to heavier fines

The Korea Food and Drug Administration unveiled its plan that those who will be found to violate the current Pharmaceutical Affairs Law should be subject to heavier fines as implemented in advanced countries instead o...

KHIPA to drive strategic projects for export promotion.

In an attempt to encourage drug exports, the Korea Health Industry Promotion Agency (KHIPA), decided 2003 business projects after selecting a potential business item to improve the world trade balance in the health in...

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