News About: Goverment

Prices of 282 items to be reduced from this July

The Ministry of Health and Welfare said on June 10 that the health insurance prices of 282 items from 83 pharmaceutical firms will be reduced from this July 1st, as prices of these items were found to be lower than ce...

Establishment of pharmacy at the same story is not permitted in the presence of oriental clinic

In response to a recent query of a civilian that he/she can establish a pharmacy in a multi-story building where clinics (pediatric/ENT departments) and an oriental clinic are simultaneously making their medical pract...

Animal drugs market emerging as lucrative business sector

The sagging domestic pharmacy market for animal drugs is likely to heat up as a number of companies involved in animal drugs and pet dog items plan to expand their presence as one of new profitable pharmacy items. ...

Profit structure to improve through product portfolio strategy.

For the business profitability improvement the pharmaceutical industry tried to adopt a product portfolio strategy and to transform their organizations into so called "Team" centered management system. The industry...

KFDA dedicated new GLP laboratory

The Korea Food and Drug Administration said it has newly completed within its area a globally recognized GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) laboratory, which covers a total area of 1,200 pyung with one story underground a...

National Medical Center to name as "National Central Medical Center".

National Medical Center now located in Ulchiro 6th street will be transformed as a central medical center combined with western and oriental medicines after its organization enlargement. To this end, the MOHW alrea...

Hair removal products to classify under quasi-drug category

The MOHW disclosed a revised draft of "Designation of Quasi-Drug" (No. 2003-78 of the MOHW public notification) in advance on June 4 covering the hair removal preparations and oral spray anti-smoking supplements to be...

National Assembly to open 240th extraordinary session.

The National Assembly declared to open the 240th extraordinary session from June 2 to July 1, for 30 days. During the session it is anticipated to discuss over the issues covering the integration of the National Healt...

Controversies arise over on-the-spot inspection of health insurance allowance management agencies

There is mounting discontent among clinics and pharmacies over the current on-the-spot inspection conducted by the National Health Insurance Corporation and the Health Insurance Review Agency. Critics have argued t...

KFDA to focus on advanced drug logistics system

The Korea Food and Drug Administration said recently it would actively promote more sound distribution order through advanced drug logistics system. In a recently held brief session with the representatives from ph...

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