News About: Goverment

KFDA to launch Drug Hazards Analysis Center.

To dig a ground for the hazardous chemical substances including foods and drugs to assess, the KFDA announced to establish "Drug Hazards Analysis Center" on July 11 anticipating to the enforcement of the Food Hygiene ...

Registration guidelines for chemical and herbal drugs to unify.

The KFDA took a workshop for the drug registration officers of the head and the regional offices at Vivaldi park, Hong Cheon on July 7 and 8 in an effort to narrow any different gaps in interpreting applicable regulat...

Korea to enter the age society from 2018

The Korean population for the aged of 65 years or older reached 7% in 2000, and estimated to 14% or more in 2018, indicating the nation to enter the aged society. In 2026 the rate will surpass 20%, showing a popul...

Cross inspection on irregular medical and pharmacy practices.

The MOHW plans to undertake a joint and cross inspection over illegal practices at pharmacies and hospitals with the KFDA, the city/provincial governments and the HIRA. The MOHW has met 5 years on July 4 for the me...

Police forcefully to break up KMA rally against public hearing.

The police forcefully broke up the KMA strikers who occupied the place where a public hearing program was scheduled to open over the 6 year pharmacy school system. The police agency made each unit with two polices ...

Public hearing on 6 year pharmacy system resumed.

The public hearing on the subject of the 6 year pharmacy school system was resumed after the temporary suspension caused by the KMA strikes. Assistant vice minister Seo Soo-nam of the Ministry Of Education and Huma...

HIRA to associate with 3 medical societies.

The Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA) agreed to cooperate about research and survey and share the disease statistics with the Korean Hip Society, the Korean Association for the study of intestinal diseases and the...

KHIDI to serve drug patent information search.

The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) announced that a patent information searching system would be provided to the public from July 1 in association with the Korea Intellectual Property Rights Infor...

K-PACT to raise 3 major agenda in health and medical areas.

The Korean Pact on Anti-Corruption and Transparency (K-PACT) took the 1st staff meeting at the Korea Christian Federation Hall on June 29 for the pact on anti-corruption and transparency in the health and medical indu...

KFDA: drug registration service to open in website

The Gyeongin regional KFDA (GKFDA) announced that the drug registration files and approval process would be open in the KFDA website. The GKFDA conducted a survey on the civil service for drug related affairs in Ma...

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