News About: Goverment
Identifiable mark to show on individual tablets.
Effective from July 1 an individual film coated tablet should show an identifiable description or mark on the surface according to the KFDA announcement on June 29.
The KFDA plans intensively to inspect whether an ...
Public hearing for health insurance policy to reinforce its security.
The MOHW plans to have a public hearing on the subject of "How to reinforce security for the national health insurance" at the FKI conference room on June 30.
The topics focused on the MOHW's policies how to secure...
Regional pension subscribers to pay 9% premiums.
The MOHW announced that effective from July 1 this year, all regional subscribers for the national pension should pay 9% premium out of the standard monthly incomes (a classified amounts for the subscriber's monthly i...
NHI payment by service and DRG
Prof. Chung Hyeong-seon of Yonsei University spoke in his lecture titled "A long term development direction for the NHI payment and compensation system" during the 5th anniversary scientific seminar of the NHIC on Jun...
NHI coverage to extend to vitiligo, hematoma and 52 other treatments
The MOHW already extended the NHI coverage for 32 medication services and now planned to extend it further to 52 treatments including vitiligo and hematoma effective from July 1.
The NHI reform task force of MOHW r...
NHI to cover hospitalized patient's meals.
The government and the Uri party took a joint meeting on June 27 and announced "NHI coverage extension plan until 2008" covering that from the next year, the NHI coverage be extended to the meals of hospitalized patie...
Total 2,622 substitutive drugs under HIRA incentive plan.
As of the end of May the total number of substitutive dispensable drugs accounted for 2,622, which fall under the HIRA's incentive plan for more cheaper drugs to substitute in dispensing at the pharmacy without prior ...
NHI coverage possible for unregistered drugs if KFDA designates.
The MOHW disclosed a revised bill draft of "The standards for the NHI payment" that was partly revised so as even for the drugs unregistered in Korea but thought to be necessary urgently to use by the KFDA to be grant...
One-Stop service soon to provide drug R&D informations.
The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) announced in the press interview under the subject of "Integrated information system for the R&D" that a One-Stop service system for drug R&D informations would ...
Medical technology to upgrade with gradual NHI payment increase.
Mr. Park Min-soo, Seoul city health and welfare department head said under his special lecture titled "the health policy of Seoul City" in the 10th directorate meeting at the grand conference room of the Korea Hospita...