News About: Goverment

A bridgehead of European market for Korea biotech business.

The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) made an MOU with Berlin Technology Corporation, a German key bio engineering agency to establish a bridgehead for the bio related business entry into the Europea...

KFDA to reshuffle its organization effective Sept. 30.

The KFDA announced to reorganize its structures for so called "Team" system, a Korean style of the Center organizations, taking effect from Sept. 30 in which the chief of the Drug Administration Div. was nominated to ...

NHI drug prices of 587 items slashed by 1.05% on average.

587 drugs were found unlawful practices against the Actual Transaction Drug Pricing System in the market and therefore about 1.05% of their NHI prices were reduced. The MOHW therefore announced on Sept. 27 the revi...

Substituted dispensing to be boosted.

Rep. Lee Ki-woo of the National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee claimed in the government inspection and audit meeting on Sept. 28 that in one way or the other the substituted dispensing should be encouraged by ...

60.2% of market shares by foreign drug companies

The foreign multinational drug companies in Korea occupied over 60% of market shares according to Rep. Lee Ki-woo of National Assembly. He said in the government inspection and audit meeting on Sept. 28 that ac...

Total MOHW budget at 10,390 billion won in 2006.

The government announced to allocate the total 10,390 billion won of budget for the MOHW on Sept. 28 including the R&D subsidy for the core strategic fostering project and the expanded public health and medical infras...

97% of respiratory drugs described no contra-indications

64 drugs for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases out of the total 66 did not show any description of its contra indications according to Rep. Ahn Myeong-ok of the National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee...

National Health Insurance Assurance to decline for 3 years.

The NHI finance has been recovered from the deficit about 2 years ahead to the expectation while the health insurance assurance (a patient's own payment) underwent ever declined. The questionnaire presented during ...

Variable Range of NHI payment System necessary.

Rep. Kim Seon-mi of the Uri Party of National Assembly said on Sept. 27 during the government inspection and audit meeting that "The Variable Range of NHI Payment System" should be adopted as early as possible in orde...

870 million won refunded from SNU hospitals on false charges.

Rep. Jeon Jae-hee said in the government inspection and audit on Sept 27 that according to the false and unfair hospital charges from 2001 to the first half this year, Seoul National University hospital paid back as m...

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