News About: Goverment
Phendimetrazine preparations for diet ranked second in the world.
A consuming volume of Phendimetrazine, an anorexiant, in Korea ranked the 2nd and of Phentamine the 3rd in the world.
Rep. Lee Ki-woo of the Uri Party, National Assembly, said in the government inspection and audi...
7,260 of banned antihistaminic, Terfenadine still on prescribing.
Terfenadine, an anti-histaminic drug, was banned to sell due to fatale adverse reactions in the past, but still about 7,260 prescriptions were found to use terfenadine, raising a serious drug safety problem.
Rep. K...
Human placenta preparations to review by end of this year.
Chief KFDA commissioner Kim Jeong-sook said in replying to Rep. Kim Seon-mi during the government inspection and audit meeting at the National Assembly on Sept. 26 that the review on the human placenta preparations sh...
"User's fee payment" system to adopt from next year.
A user's fee payment system, a payment system by the new drug applicant at their own expenses, seems to be adopted from the next year after completing its studies around coming Dec.
Rep. Ahn Myeong-ok of National ...
Drug makers getting larger after medical reform system.
After the implementation of the medical and pharmacy practice separation system the pharmaceutical manufacturers with over 200 billion won (BW) of annual sales showed ever increasing trends from 5 in 2000, when the sy...
National Assembly to reveal unfair NHI bills.
Rep. Moon Byeong-ho of the Uri party said in the government inspection and audit meeting on Sept. 22 that the unfair medical and pharmacy bills were 73,000 won on average charged by a pharmacy and 400 thousand won by...
Civic group calling for 10% refund program for Glivec to keep on.
A health and medical organization asked for the refund program of Glivec to be maintained in contact with its manufacturer, Novartis Korea, and the MOHW.
Health Right Network (HRN) said on Sept. 21 through a subjec...
The medical reform system to be reviewed by National Assembly.
Rep. Ahn Myeong-ok of the National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee said on Sept. 22 that the medical and pharmacy separation practice system should be reviewed by the National Assembly level instead of the burea...
965 times price difference among 7 national and public hospitals.
According to a drug price survey in 2004, the prices of 48 prescription drugs in 7 national and public hospitals showed a big difference by 965 times in high.
Rep. Park Jae-wan of National Assembly Health and Welf...
KFDA public hearing for antibiotic standards on Sept. 29.
The KFDA announced a public hearing for the revision to the standards of antibiotics at the auditorium of the Korea Human Resource Development Institute for Health and Welfare (KHRDI) on Sept. 29.
The public heari...