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Nutritious injections to be excluded from active pharmaceutical ingredient registration

Nutritious injections will be excluded from the list of active pharmaceutical ingredient registrations. In order to keep drug safety and quality control. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) pre-announced the ...

7 Seoul districts including Kwanak and Seocho had a decrease in the number of pharmacies

It was reported that 176 pharmacies were shut down and 200 were newly opened in Seoul on the 1st quarter. In addition to this, 7 districts(Gu) including Gwanak-gu and Seocho-gu had less pharmacies. According to the ...

"In order to raise chances, the number of clinical trials enter Phase II must be raised"

A position that a country takes in the new drug development field is decided based on the structure of clinical trials. While most clinical trials in the U.S. are on Phase I and Phase II, most Korean pharmaceutical co...

Erbitux renews RSA for the first time

Erbitux, a metastatic rectal and colon cancer therapy, successfully renewed the RSA agreement. This is the first case which renewed the agreement through a renegotiation. According to the National Health Insurance Se...

Phase IV clinical trial result of Shin Poong Pharm’s Pyramax announced at conference in Africa

In the Satellite symposium at the Pan African Malaria Conference – Multilateral Initiatives on Malaria(MM) at Dakar, Senegal, Shin Poong Pharm(CEO Jae-Man Yoo) announced the Pyramax’s clinical trial result. Held arou...

Medical association and MOHW will arrange a place for communication

Korean Medical Association President Dae-Jip Choi and Vice Minister Duk-Cheol Kwon of Health and Welfare had a meeting to have a whole new beginning for communication in parliamentary politics at Dalgaebi located in C...

CCEJ, “Pharmaceutical association must throw away egoism and be more active in expanding emergency household medicines”

The Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice(CCEJ) announced a stance to enlarge the number of medicinal drugs selling at convenient stores to raise drug accessibility. On the 11th, the CCEJ made a criticism about th...

Pharmbio Korea signs exclusive license agreement of new opioid painkiller with U.S.

Pharmbio Korea(Chairman Bong-Gil Nam) announced on the 14th that the company signed an exclusive license agreement for development and commercialization of Oliceridine, an opioid, intravenous injection being developed...

‘Diabetes + hyperlipidemia’ combination therapy market fueled with 3 new products

The market of diabetes and hyperlipidemia has been fueled. On the 10th, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) approved CJ HealthCare’s Atomet SR Tab 10/500mg, 10/750mg, 20/500mg and 20/750mg, Daewoong Pharmaceut...

Government will disclose ‘selective registration of drugs’ such as anticancer drugs at Health Insurance Policy Deliberation Committee this May

Mentioned at the Moon Jae-In Care(National Health Insurance Coverage Extension Plan), articles about selective health insurance benefits for 48 types of medicines, such as anticancer drugs, are expected to be proposed...

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