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New drug R&D no hindered by IMF crisis report meeting

Korea Union of New Drug Research and Development (Chairman: Lim Sung-ki) (KUNRD) plans to held a report meeting of the G7 research project at the international conference hall of Korea Institute of Science and ...

Orphan drug center planned in first half of this year.

KFDA intended to prepare a draft of basic plan for establishment of an orphan drug center in view of a smooth supply, efficient control and administration of orphan drugs based on the survey studied by ...

Advertising and promotion activity extremely dwindled.

The advertising activity in pharmaceutical industry appeared in significant draw back recently as a result of long time business recession. The industry seriously worried that the ailing busi...

KPHTA, discussed import pricing stability

The Imported package drug subcommittee of the Korea Pharmaceutical Trade Association held a meeting at the conference room of Hanbul Pharm. Co. on March 31 for the following agenda: -Guidance for the appli...

Market opening of imported drugs requested by ustr.

The USTR reported to the U.S. government on April 1 that the non-tariff trade barrier of Korea in pharmaceutical import still stood too high, describing that the imported drugs were significantly discrimi...

Chunil's dishonor struck a blow to pharmaceutical industry.

As of March 31 Chunil dishonored payment in the amount of about 30 billion Won, the exact number and detailed reasons for which have not been clarified yet. Other source said the amount would be 30 billion ...

Financing cost down vital for pharmaceutical industry.

According to a recent survey reported by Dongyang Security Research Center, a high import reliance of pharmaceutical raw materials caused increased financial cost (8.54) due to the Won/dollar exchange losses, ...

Consolidated to inspection control and support officer.

The channel for all administrative service including the approval of food, drug and medical instrument and the safety and efficacy evaluation data has been consolidated to a single door, Inspection control and supp...

Pharmaceutical wholesalers dishonor splash.

Amid a chronic business recession in pharmaceutical markets 5 drug wholesalers dishonored their payment due on March 31 in the total amount of 40 billion won, which will accelerate to get worse in in...

Unfair Distribution of drugs-for-hospital in retail pharmacy.

Drugs for hospital use were released into the retail pharmacy market,disturbing the drug pricing stability in the market. It was known thatmost of drugs for hospital use were sold at super cut-rate pharmaciesb...

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