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Mr. Lee Jung-sup appointed to Kyungin KFDA head.

The KFDA nominated Mr. Lee Jung-sup, Kwangju KFDA administrator to a new post of Kyungin KFDA top position as of March 2, Mr. Chung Yun-chan, the chief of KFDA general administration section, to the head of Kwangju KF...

Drug industry reinforced OTC business just ahead massive slash of insurance drug prices.

The drug industry has recently shown a rapid changing movement for their business policies more to the OTC oriented amid a full scale implementation of the open price labelling system from March 1 and an impending thr...

Medical and pharmacy separation system implemented from July next year.

The most sensitive issue on the implementation date of the medical and pharmacy separation system having sharply debated since long time seems to be ultimately finalized to effect from July next year. The medical a...

Price increases of insurance drugs showed tightfisted for 10 years.

During the past 10 years insurance drugs have shown a serious unbalance in price management. Yearly about 363 insurance drugs on average took price increases or merely 85 items increased if it excluded 2,868 items o...

Hungsong drug wholesaler bankrupted on Mar. 2.

Hungsong drug wholesaler located at Anam dong Sungbook-ku Seoul (President: Cho Hung-bok) bankrupted on March 2. The business operation closed and President Cho and other executive members ran away. The OTC oriente...

Drug production activity extremely low due to IMF economic woes.

According to the KPMA statistics, the pharmaceutical production recorded an unprecedented negative growth figure in 1998 by 3% decreased from 8.6% growth of the previous year, almost 10% points drop, reflecting seriou...

Mr. Lim Sung-ki appointed to new chairman of KPMA.

-Top management seats increased to 10 deputy chairmen and 50 directors. The KPMA took the 54th general meeting at 2 pm on Feb. 25 and elected the new 17th chairman as Mr. Lim Sung-ki, the chairman of Hanmi Phar...

NCNP arbitrated bills for medical/pharmacy separation system.

The medical and the pharmacy community agreed to adjust the implementation date of the separation system from July 1, 2000 and concurred that a best separation model for people should be derived promptly by means of m...

The KFDA: new responsibilities for pharmaceutical administration.

The follow-up measures of the revised government organization reform act affaced to a drastic organization change unexceptionally in the MOHW, thus establishing the KFDA Office and transferring a large part of ...

MOHW: KFDA organization fixed.

Adm. system, legislation and politic control function only. Drug licensing and quality control responsibility transferred to KFDA. Due to delayed parliamentary approval of the prime minister's nomination by ...

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