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Health industry fostered by designating it high value added industry

The Korea Health Industry Promotion Board (KHIPB) designated the health industry as a high value added industry in the 21th century and announced a nurturing plan titled "The development plan of Korea health industry ...

Insurance reimbursement plan for imported drugs postponed to Sept.

The insurance reimbursement plan for imported drugs as originally scheduled to implement from July 1 may be set aside to coming September largely on account of premature time for preparation of its launching and a str...

Foreign joint venture companies took over shares of their local partners.

A traditional concept of foreign joint venture business partnership between a foreign pharmaceutical company and a local partner has been no longer perceived. After the IMF economic crisis the world top mu...

Insurance reimbursement price of imported drugs to review

The implementing schedule for the government insurance reimbursement and its pricing plan of imported drugs from upcoming July 1 has to be postponed largely in consideration with possible international trade frictions...

Chief of MOHW Planning and Administration office minated to Mr. Kim Hee-sun.

Following new assignment of Mr. Lee Kyung-ho, the former health and welfare secretary of the Presidential Secretariat, to the post of the Social Welfare Policy officer on June 16, the government nominated Mr. Kim Hee-...

Pharmacy practitioners interested in franchise and electronic information and communication service.

As the government separation plan of medical and pharmacy practice became visualized to effect from July l, next year, the pharmacy practitioners showed their keen interests especially in their franchise business as w...

Minimum price system strongly to be requested by foreign Multinational drug makers.

In line with the government plan for medical insurance reimbursement approval on imported drugs the foreign multinational drug corporations put their total efforts firmly to keep compliance to so-called "Minimum Price...

Government insurance reimbursement plans inevitable to postpone

Medical Insurance Pricing Expert Commission took a meeting on June 11 to discuss the insurance reimbursement plan for imported drugs but could not make any conclusion during the meeting against the appeals raised by t...

Separation plan to launch in July next year as scheduled.

Minister Cha Heung-bong of MOHW reported to the President on June 16 that the separation system of medical and pharmacy practice would ensure great contribution to the people's health by preventing people's medication...

MOHW formed Operation Commission for Medical and Pharmacy Separation System.

The MOHW announced to establish the Operation Commission for Medical and Pharmacy Separation System organizing with the representatives from the medical and pharmacy related organizations, the consumer and civic organ...

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