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Health and Welfare Commission transferred bill to Legislation Commission.
Pharmacists can sell general drugs in single or mixed forms and a plural number of pharmacist organizations will be prohibited to establish as it is now.
The health and welfare commission of National Assembly took ...
20,000 physician's rally against government separation plan
23,000 physicians across the nation gathered together at Changchoong gymnasium on Nov. 30, demonstrating against the government medical and pharmacy separation plan under the slogan of "Pan medical community's resolut...
All around publicity for government separation plan on action.
Amid a strong backlash by the medical community against the government medical and pharmacy separation program the MOHW launched all-round publicity campaigns through every useful media in an attempt to execute the or...
Bill of revised pharmaceutical affairs law passed through health and welfare commission today.
Pharmacists can sell general drugs in single or mixed forms and a plural number of pharmacist organizations will be prohibited to establish as it is now.
The health and welfare commission of National Assembly took ...
Bill of revised pharmaceutical affairs law on rebate at National Assembly
The bills of revised pharmaceutical affair law containing the medical and pharmacy separation system and others seem to be screened at the Bill Examination Subcommittee of the Health and Welfare Commission, the Nation...
Exhibition for 21st century model pharmacy to open on Nov. 26.
Seoul KPhA in association with Hubahuba design company plans to exhibit a 21st century model pharmacy from Nov. 26 to Dec. 1 at the grand hall of the KPhA to show an ideal type of new pharmacy to cope with the forthco...
MOHW curbed massive demonstration rally.
The MOHW seriously worried about the recent movement of the nationwide massive demonstration rally under the leadership of the KMA against the alleged unfair government policy on the upcoming medical and pharmacy sepa...
Orphan drug center celebrated its opening on Nov. 23.
The Korea Orphan Drug Center (President: Mr. Chung Pil-keun) inaugurated the opening ceremony at Sangrok Club House located at Yoksamdong Seoul on Nov. 23 in attendance of many dignitaries including Mr. Huh Keun, the ...
Key choice of drugs on efficacy and safety.
The first priority of physician's choice of drugs showed the drug efficacy and safety, a survey disclosed.
The pharmacy division of Samsung Seoul hospital took a survey toward 123 physicians serving at 30 different...
KFDA on development of internet automatic searching system.
Recently illegal sales of drugs and dietary supplements along with false advertising through an internet channel are rapidlly surging up almost far beyond the government controls. The KFDA therefore plans to develope ...