All Type of News
Organization of the National Health Insurance Corporation set up.
The MOHW made it clear on April 20 that the National Medical Insurance organization which was scheduled to merge in July would be changed from the current second stage system, the headquarter and the branches, to a th...
Drug registration process possible even before its patent expires
The World Trade Organization (WTO) decided that any drug manufacturer can prepare a test and development of patented drugs to commercialize even before their patent expiry, which may trigger many local as well as over...
Separation plan and consolidation of medical insurance agencies should go perfectly as scheduled.
Minister Cha of MOHW stressed to mention in the economic minister's meeting on April 18 that the medical and pharmacy separation plan and the consolidation of the medical insurance agencies for the regional residents ...
Drug distribution system to make at the level of advanced countries.
The MOHW in association with Samsung SDS and Korea Telecommunication had a ground breaking ceremony on April 17 for "Drug Information Center" at Gaepoong building, Sungsoodong in presence of Minister Cha of MOHW, Mr. ...
Drug makers jointly share informations about unfair trade acts.
The KPMA took a meeting of the Fair Trade Order Commission on April 10, and agreed that all member companies would jointly to share any informations about irrational drug trade deals transacted between drug suppliers ...
Clinical and drug adverse reactions of 16 vaccine products to be surveyed.
The KFDA ordered drug companies to conduct studies until 2002 for an intensive investigation of drug adverse reactions and the positive conversion rate of antibody for 16 vaccines (from 7 companies) out of 78 items (f...
Preparatory works for implementation of government separation plan to complete by end of April.
The MOHW has a view that all preparatory works for implementation of the government medical and pharmacy separation program should be completed at latest before the end of April, which include the amendment of relevan...
Physician's prescriptions to show only disease code.
With regard to the description of disease on physician's prescription sheets issued by medical institutes under the government new separation system of medical and pharmacy practice, it has been discussed among the me...
Wholesale margins accounted for determining insurance prices for new drugs.
The Insurance Drug Price Specialist Council decided in the meeting on April 11 that the insurance prices for significantly innovated new drugs compared to existing drugs in terms of cost and efficacy would be accounte...
98 retail pharmacies in Seoul declined during past 3 months.
Due to pharmacy business recession and the government separation programs number of retail pharmacies in Seoul showed a sharp declining trend. In the past a small and medium sized pharmacy shut down the business far m...