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KPMA pledged to root out unfair drug trade deals.
The KPMA expressed serious concerns about many uprising trend of unfair drug trade deals by taking advantages with chaotic chances in the markets caused by the ongoing strikes and disordered medical and pharmaceutical...
Small company may look at niche market for new management reactivation.
Implementation of the government's new medical reform plan and medical community's prolonged strikes have brought serious business difficulties to the drug industry, especially, medium and small sized companies becaus...
KPA not to participate in negotiation talks between government and medical community.
The KPA withdrew the policy of no accepting any negotiation talks between the government and the medical community but went far aggressive by expressing not to participate in the medical and pharmacy separation progra...
Prime Minister Lee Han-dong foresees current interns and residents's strikes to close in September.
Prime Minister Lee Han-dong reported the government policy operational plan for the second half of 2000 in the briefing for the President on Aug. 29, in which the strikes of medical communities, especially of the inte...
Government launches probe into illegal separation practices from Aug. 4.
The MOHW planned to form watchdog teams by all respective regions to carry out nation-wide probe for 5 days from Sep. 4 into the current illegal practices of the government's medical and pharmacy separation system in ...
Medical community raised 11 proposals on government's medical reform plan.
The medical community now on a month-long strike raised their proposals to the government on Aug. 31.
Contingency Joint Representative Subcommittee affiliated to the Struggle Committee for Medical Rights had a pr...
KPMA to promote sales of non-prescription drugs
The KPMA intended to place a large scale of public advertising for the sales increase of general drugs of which any physician's prescriptions are not required, realizing the fact that many people misunderstood the go...
Drug wholesaler's business loss may get some relief.
Minister Choi Sun-jung of MOHW took a meeting with President Lee Hee-koo of KPhWA on Aug. 26 in attendance of Mr. Kim Kun-seung, vice president of KPhWA, Mr. Han Sang-hui, director of general administration, Mr. Park ...
Government's inspection team on medical and pharmacy separation reform to launch from Aug. 30.
In an attempt for the government medical and pharmacy reform program to set up earlier the government planned to launch a inspection team from Aug. 30.
President Kim Dae-jung held a Ministerial meeting related to t...
Drug industry in need to keep favorable financial liquidity urgently.
Drug industry faced serious business slow due to ongoing strikes of medical communities and delayed credit payment from customers. Some rumour foretold an Oct. crisis in the drug industry. Under such circumstances man...