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Pharmaceutical technology to export U$380 million
The total technology sales to foreign multinational drug corporations recorded over U$380 million including the recent Yuhan's new technology export to Smithkline Beecham at U$100 million for YH1885, a new proton pump...
KPA to dispense medication without prescriptions during medical community's strike.
To minimize people's inconveniencies possibly caused by the strike of medical communities, the KPA instructed all city and Provincial KPAs to dispense medication without prescriptions when the strike takes place on Oc...
Pharmacists on rage against negotiation on medical reform plan.
In the retail pharmacy community a voice of rage sounded loudly against the negotiation on the medical and pharmacy reform plan currently proceeded by the government and the medical community after excluding the pharm...
KPA to move disobedience campaign against current law revision.
The KPA announced in the Struggle Committee for Pharmacist Job Security on Sept. 30 that all member pharmacists would dispense medication without prescriptions if the medical community walk out from Oct. 6 as they dec...
Yuhan sold technology YH1885 to SB at a hundred million dollar.
Yuhan has developed a new anti-peptic ulcer agent, YH1885 ( a proton-pump channel inhibitor) as one of the government's G7 projects and sold it out to Smithkline Beecham at U$100 million of its royalty. Two parties ma...
80% of pharmacy bills for dispensing and medication fees to be returned.
After implementation of the government medical and pharmacy role separation system, the National Health Insurance Evaluation Board declined to pay but return about 80% of the dispensing and medication bills for reimbu...
Some parenteral injectable drug prices hike but many others down.
Medical insurance prices for 72 parenteral injectable solutions such as 5% Dextrose and Sterilized Ringer's Solution out of the total 768 products designated for cost compensation (because of too high product cost for...
Drug wholesaler asked for more than 10% wholesale margins.
Amid a friction on distribution margins between drug wholesalers and makers it calls for an early determination of the most appropriate drug wholesale margin as the drug wholesale margin was found far lower than the o...
Increased returned-goods to raise tremendous business difficulties to drug industries.
Since implementation of the government medical and pharmacy role separating program many pharmacies have shut down their business operations, and the common prescription drug lists that were supposedly distributed alr...
Foreign multinational drug corporations to capture higher market shares
According to the KFDA published statistics, 20 top leading foreign multinational drug companies produced 1,072,341 million won of pharmaceutical products in 1999, which was 11.9% increase over the previous year of 957...