All Type of News
Drug claim system to be activated
So called "Drug Claim" system seems to be activated recently, which alerts to the drug manufacturers. According to the system any problems related with drugs are immediately reported to the representative or the produ...
41 drug wholesalers declared to have a bout with Zuellig
41 drug wholesalers seemed to declare a battle with Zuellig, a foreign multinational drug wholesaler, on account of Zuellig's limited distribution margins. Representatives of 41 drug wholesalers who were engaging in t...
NHI scheme may extend to more non-prescription drug group.
Effective from Jan. 1, next year even non-prescription drugs shall be included to the NHI price scheme, for which many non-prescription drug makers worried about the possibility of NHI reimbursement extension plan.
Social welfare medical service exceptionally applicable to medical and pharmacy role separation syst
The Pharmaceutical Affairs Law Revision Subcommittee of the National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee (Chief: Rep. Yoon Y대-joon) discussed overall revisions of the pharmaceutical affairs law in the 2nd meeting on...
Standards and specifications for medical instruments to be amended.
The KFDA plans to revise the standards and specifications for the medical instruments in order to reinforce the transparency of all processes for the medical instrument's controlling standards and its specifications.
Medical Insurance price must show on non-prescription drug packages.
An opinion has raised in the recent civil, medical and pharmacy representative's meeting that the medical insurance price shall be indicated on the outer package of all non-prescription drugs, and others complain abou...
Pharmacy practitioners on painful efforts to find income tax avoidance.
Most of retail pharmacy revenue has come from the prescription filling services, and therefore exposed to the tax office so transparently that no body could evade income taxes. Now, many retail pharmacists are painful...
5 medical and pharmaceutical organizations jointly to cope with drug trade irregularities.
5 medical and pharmaceutical organizations including the KMA, the KPA, the KHA, the KPMA and the KPhWA jointly announced to eliminate any irregular deals in drug supplies including a kickback, cash donations and rebat...
Next term president of Kuro and Dongjak district KPA in hot competition.
Dec. 21 is the date for the next term presidents in Kuro and Dongjak district KPAs to be elected. The election campaign appeared with a harsh competition in Dongjak-ku with Mr. Park Chan-doo, the present president and...
Drugs performed no efficacy equivalent test to be cancelled.
A drug registration seems to be cancelled unless its efficacy equivalent test be conducted until the end of year 2002. It is therefore predicted that about half of oral and suppository drugs may be forcefully expelled...