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Civic Group launches Common Measure Committee for
The civic social groups will inaugurate jointly 'Common Measure Committee for Health Insurance' for the purpose of insurance financial stabilization.
Recently, on the rise of insurance financial problem by social...
2000 Results by 12th Closing Listed Drug Companies
(unit; ₩mn, %)
Ordinary Profit
Insurance Finance Bankruptcy caused by Excessive Hike of Medical Fee
Recently, as deterioration of health insurance finance come up as social issue, civic groups urged strongly that the financial crisis of health insurance should be settled by not temporary measures but drastic reform....
Fees for pharmaceuticals 191% Increase After Medical Reform
After medical reform program, it showed that pharmacists' drug dispensing fees increased on 191 percent due to draft on patient taken over-the-counter prescription, while treatment fee of hospital-level medical instit...
Key issues focused on prescription dispersion and business collusion.
The pharmacist community pointed out that the most difficult hurdles of the medical reform program required for an urgent resolution were of physician's prescriptions to be concentrated in limited number of pharmacies...
3 dimensional protein structure in bacteria found first time.
Prof. Lee Bong-jin, College of pharmacy, Seoul National University announced that he, in association with Promeditec, a bio-venture company, had discovered the 3 dimensional structures of RRF (Ribosome recycling facto...
Health site needs to be managed systematically without delay
Health information sites on the Internet were pointed out that they had to be supervised without delay as they had not provided correct information to the people.
Having analyzed and studied the health information ...
Drug industry to enhance management of returned goods.
Expecting that the returned goods might flood in from the next month when the common prescription drug list being completed and distributed to all pharmacies across the nation, the drug industry already took appropria...
Any losses caused by pricing policy to be compensated.
The MOHW said that any losses of medical institutes resulted from their actual drug purchasing prices vs. the current reduced insurance drug prices would be refunded in May if claims with attachment of the appropriate...
Board of National Pharmaceutical College Organizing is expected to resist
The Board of Korea National Pharmaceutical College composed of the national pharmaceutical college was inaugurated.
The National Pharmaceutical College including college of SNU pharmacy agreed that they would make ...