All Type of News
Strong resistance showing from citizen group to the policy of 'No reduction of medical charge'
Citizen group is resisting to the remark of new minister of health and welfare, Kim, Won-Kil that medical charge will no be lowered as medical service quality depends on it.
People's solidarity for participatory d...
Bio-engineering venture firms should concentrate on improved new medicine
Expressed opinion that developing improved new medicine is cruicial for competitiveness fortification and survival of venture firms,
While new bio-engineering venture firms are popping up, one expressed opinion th...
Funds for New Medicine development aided 20.3 billion
The Ministry of Health and Welfare set up the plan to support loan for new medicine development and had public subscription to apply 20.3 billion won loan aid among new medicine development laboratory and clinical tes...
Drug industry R&D organization on the verge of collapse.
The Military Manpower Administration has restricted to allocate quotations to drug research companies, of young researcher's privileges that the compulsory military services being exempted. The drug company now faced ...
Urged national treasury support for wholesaling, distribution information system
Pharmaceutical Wholesalers officially raised problems of distribution information system, and said they will reject of installation and use of the system until government budget is invested into it.
Korean Associ...
General hospitals cut off number of wholesalers by half.
After the implementation of the medical reform program large general hospitals including the university hospitals have cut off the number of wholesalers, causing further deep business recessions to ethical drug wholes...
Mutual Cooperation for Resolving Insurance Financing Crisis
It is said that Health and Welfare Minister Kim Won-gil and Korean Pharmaceutical Association(KPA) Chairman Han Seok-won will concentrate on mutual cooperation insurance to settle financial crisis.
Minister Kim ha...
Emergency Center for insurance financial stability to launch.
The MOHW established the Emergency Center for Insurance Financial Stability purported to analyse the health insurance financial transaction, to determine and promote detailed and prompt action plans for the financial ...
Medical treatment facilities to be watched on unfair or false payment demands
To stabilize the finance of the health insurance, a joint committee of measures for health insurance, which consist of some twenty groups including citizen bodies, social bodies and labor unions, made clear that it wo...
Optional dispensing system not acceptable.
In a drive to keep the national insurance financial stability Chunju City pharmacist organization strongly urged that physician's prescriptions should be written in generic names and reinforced to check more strictly....