All Type of News
Fair Racing Enforcement about to be revised with ‘lecture & consulting fees for KRW 500 thousand’
There is a high chance for lecture and consulting fees to be fixed at KRW 500 thousand in the pharmaceutical industry.
On the 14th, the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) announced it will have a discussion about ...
Listed pharmas’ poor performances in 3rd quarter
It was analyzed listed pharmaceutical companies had poor performances in the 3rd quarter. Their sales were a little above the annual average, and the profitability was weakened compared to the last year.
According to...
Additional bill tabled for foreign pharmacists to take preliminary test before national examination
An additional bill to have foreign pharmacist license owners pass a preliminary test before taking a national examination for the Korean pharmacist license was tabled.
The Minjoo Party Rep. Seung-Jo Yang tabled the ...
2015’s Korean medical device market reaches KRW 5.2656 trillion
Last year, the Korean medical device market recorded the size of KRW 5.2656 trillion.
According to the ‘2016 KMDIA Yearbook’ recently published by the Korea Medical Device Industry Association(KMDIA), the size of th...
Kim Young-Ran Law even changes outfits of pharmas’ medical representatives
The Kim Young-Ran Law, which prohibits corruption and bribery, is known to even change outfits of pharmaceutical companies’ medical representatives.
According to the industry concerned, the Anti-Corruption and Briber...
Dong Wha’s new phenomenon in working system with ‘AAFW’The Dong Wha Pharm’s management skill has attracted attention as implementing the working system which made its company culture more active.
According to Dong Who Pharm, the co...
Pharma. dist. industry competes over expansion of distribution network
Large pharmaceutical distribution companies, such as Baekje Pharmaceuticals, Dongwon Pharmaceutical Wholesale and Boksan Nice, started to secure distribution network across the nation with Seoul as the center. In addi...
Boryung-Astellas co-promote ‘Harnal D’ & ‘Vesicare’
Boryung Pharm and Astellas Pharma Korea will start the co-promotion business for the dysuria symptom enhancer “Harnal D’ and the overactive bladder symptom therapy ‘Vesicare.’
Boryung Pharm(CEO Tae-Hong Choi) and Ast...
MFDS, “We’ll positively review small-packaging for narcotics”
Along with the implementation of the Narcotics Integrated Management System, it seems the small-packaging supply of narcotics is going to be expanded.
Deputy Director Hee-Jung Choi of the Ministry of Food and Drug Sa...
Dist. companies against pharma. dist. margin cuts caused by high margins on CSOs
It was criticized in the distribution industry that while some pharmaceutical companies are constantly planning to reduce pharmaceutical distribution companies’ margins, they have still provided high margins for CSO c...