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MOHW to change insurance cards into smart cards
The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) has decided to change the current insurance cards into smart cards by the end of this year.
As a result of this, it will be possible to computerize the processes including ...
Choongwae Pharma Co.'s Corporate bonds Upswing ratings of BBB-
Korea Management Consulting & Credit Rating Corporation(KMCC) have adjusted upward from credit ratings of BB+ to investment rating BBB- Choongwae Pharma Co.'s Corporate bonds on April 11.
KMCC said, " As Choongwae...
Punishment against Medical Institution laid Unjust charge Intensified via Results of due diligence
Ministry of Health and Welfare and ruling Millennium Democratic Party decided that they will strengthen to investigate medical institution suspected to be illegal, e.g. unjust and false charge and focus on taking a pi...
MDP be ready to accept Investigation of Health Insurance Administration
Representative Joong- kwon, Kim of the ruling Millennium Democratic Party(MDP) announced that they are ready to accept investigation on health insurance administration required by the Grand National Party in extraordi...
MOHW gives an outline of measures for financial stabilization of the health insurance
MOHW's financial stabilization measure of health insurance begins showing its outline.
According to a person concerned in the Pharmaceutical Association, who has recently contacted with the people from the Ministry...
Medical treatment and Prescription should be limited on Same level
Korean Pharmacist Association (KPA) said that they will accept the graded medical charge system which Ministry of Health and Welfare is promoting to stabilize insurance finance, in stead, devote all their energies so ...
"Medical institutions' income jumped, Medical charge needs to be lowered without delay"
In relation to the announcement of the Ministry of Health and Welfare on the income increase of the medical institutions, civic groups urged that doctors' bill be cut down since it was the main reason for the rapid in...
MOHW minister said "No" over optional dispensing system.
A part of medical communities earlier raised a newly modified medical and pharmacy role separation plan that allow patients optional rights to fill the prescriptions in pharmacies located at either outside or inside o...
Medical Care Patients Abuse Treatment Institution as Serious
It's serious that patient for medical care is using excessively treatment institutions abuse including medical care patients over one year of annual medical treatment days occupying nearly 6 percent.
Ministry of ...
Supports on Academic Society required Mandatory reports
In case that pharmaceutical company intend to support academic society, it should be reported to Fair Competition Commission, otherwise strong measures including paying the breach-of-contract penalties will be carried...