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Doctor·Pharmacist groups go into full-scaled voluntary purification
On top of KPA, KMA is going into self-purification to research members evoked much social criticism due to unjust claim including demands of on-the-spot due diligence to Ministry of Health and Welfare, whose developme...
Delayed review on bills caused pharmacy management hardship
As the HIRA reinforced to review the bills, the insurance reimbursement process became remarkably delayed, causing immediate management difficulties to all medical institutes including pharmacies.
The pharmacy comm...
Strategic coalition between medical and pharmacy communities on tight.
The medical and the pharmacy communities have shown many conflicts with their interests and behaviors in implementing process of the government's medical reform program. However, two different interested groups in the...
Hanmi achieved significant improvement of Paclitaxel bio-availability.
Dr. Woo Chong-soo of Hanmi pharmaceutical company, a leading domestic drug manufacturing company, presented his research paper under the title of "An approach to enhance the efficiency of drug delivery system by means...
"Effect takes priority over the recognition rate of a pharmaceutical company for prescriptions"
Choosing medicines for prescriptions, doctors regard the effect of a medicine and a clinical testing data including safety as the most important standard.
Regarding the insured medicine price, it was positioned in...
Wholesale industry concentrates all the anti-Zuelling feeling…an all-out confrontation
Having its retreat cut off with 10% margin, the wholesale industry started taking a stand against Zuelling from all sides.
Centering around the Zuelling Participating Wholesalers' Association, some associations inc...
KMA, meeting to revise the articles of associassociation into direct election system
Experiencing an internal trouble due to failing to revise the articles of association into the direct election system at the general meeting on April 28, Korean Medical Association (KMA) is planning to hold an extraor...
Pharmaceutical Affairs Law Amendment to be settled in June by the National Assembly
While it became sure that the revised bill of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law would not be introduced in a plenary session in the 220th special session scheduled through April 30, the amendment is expected to be settle...
Pharmaceutical Affairs Law Revision delayed, Marketing Strategies
The Pharmaceuticals Industry is complaining about the delay of the revisions to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and the settlement of the separation policy, which makes their marketing and sales promotion strategy plan...
Infrastructures for Bio-equivalent test projected by consortium.
In line with the NHI financial stabilization and to facilitate a smooth implementation of the substitutive dispensing, the MOHW intended to build up the basic structures for the biological equivalent test by 5 organiz...