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Zuellig's distribution margin triggered a group-level dispute.
The ethical drug wholesalers in Seoul area raised a harsh protest against the issue of Zuellig's distribution margin, which may cause both of the Zuellig wholesale customer association and the non-customer wholesaler ...
Seoul Medical Watchdog will operate on and after May 28
Seoul medical special watchdog to keep watch over illegal case of medical program including prearranged trade of medical institution and pharmacy, optional dispensing drugs of pharmacy, and dispensing in hospital·clin...
Pros and cons on reference pricing system by different interest groups.
In an attempt to save the NHI fund the MOHW has contemplated a plan for the reference pricing system, a German style drug insurance pricing model characterized in which patients shall partly pay a portion over a certa...
Optimal number of hospital pharmacists provisionally required.
A study paper unveiled that the most appropriate number of dispensing pharmacist under the current medical and pharmacy role separation program shall be one per about 80 cases of prescription fills.
In the educati...
Zuellig associated wholesalers not to accept reduced margin.
The Zuellig Wholesale Customer Association (hereinafter called Association) took a meeting at Tower hotel on May 15 and determined to put off all conclusions over the 4 outstanding issues earlier raised including the ...
Medical Watchdog body keep a close watch over prearranged pharmacy
Ministry of Health and Welfare decided to expose prearranged pharmacies by full scale operation of medical watchdog and strengthen on the spot due diligence on suspect pharmacies.
They decided to review proposal o...
Pharmacy's work environment changing in accordance with Hospital·Clinic
Pharmacy's work environment is changing similar to hospital and clinic's.
Pharmacists indicate that as most pharmacies manage dependent on prescription picking, they appear work environment similar to them of hosp...
On top of foreign capital company, Wholesaler proclaim 'War against Conglomerates'
Native wholesalers was finally confronted with the greatest crisis not to keep up pertinently with external environment rapidly changing.
It indicates that native company has been tightened by system as well as mar...
Medical and Pharmaceutical regular meeting remain idle due to absence of KMA3rd medical and pharmaceutical regular meeting held under the leading of Health and Welfare Minister Kim Won-gil has finished without discussion of main problems due to absence ...
Advance as the Executive Nation of the World Health Organization(WHO)
We are elected as the Executive Nation at the 54th WHO General Meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 14th through 22nd.
Kyung Ho Lee, the Vice-Minister of Welfare, has left the country on the 12th, to attend ...