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Will LG Life Sciences & Sanofi’s lawsuit for ‘Zemiglo’ be prolonged?

A trial for the Zemiglo’s license between LG Life Sciences and Sanofi Aventis seems to be prolonged. The Seoul Central District Court’s Civil Affairs Department 17 conducted th...

Listed pharmaceutical companies suffering from depressed work efficiency

As getting weakened in marketability, listed pharmaceutical companies are criticized to have lowered work efficiency as well. According to the Yakup Shinmoon’s analysis result of KOSDAQ and KOSPI listed pharmaceutica...

“Cancer patients give up treatment for money,” urgency to shorten registration procedure

It was criticized that it is urgent to shorten a period to register the anticancer drugs’ health insurance benefit in Korea, which is the worst compared to other OECD member countries. Seung-Taek Oh, a professor at ...

Listed pharmas earns KRW 75 by selling products worth of KRW 1,000

It was analyzed listed pharmaceutical companies generated KRW 75 products by selling products(goods and merchandises) worth of KRW 1,000 this year. According to the Yakup Shinmoon’s( analysis result of ...

Amendment to tighten punishment for illegal rebates pass National Assembly

Incrementally adjusting the punishment on pharmaceutical and medical device companies providing illegal rebates to less than 3 years of prison or a less than KRW 30 million fine, the amendments to the Pharmaceutical A...

Celltrion acquires sales approval of antibody biosimilar ‘Truxima’ in Korea

Celltrion announced it acquired sales approval of its self-developed antibody biosimilar, CT-P10(brand name: Truxima, generic name: rituximab), from the Korea Ministry of Food a...

Impact of Novartis’ rebate trial result in pharma industry

While the amendments to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and Medical Device Law to tighten punishment for pharmaceutical and medical device companies providing illegal rebates passed the National Assembly plenary sessio...

Will wholesalers be a key way to market products for pharmas after Kim Young-Ran Law?

While pharmaceutical companies suffering from difficulties in sales activities are seeking for new methods to generate sales after the Kim Young-Ran, they have started to actively use wholesalers. It is true medical ...

New era of quality and safe cosmetic products in Korea

The number of cosmetics companies which received CGMP(Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice) exceeded 100 companies. According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS), the number of companies that were judged app...

Measure to monitor illegal consignment agencies on its own

As there are an increasing number of illegal logistics agencies which sign consignment agreements with pharmaceutical companies and directly deliver pharmaceutical products, the Korea Pharmaceutical Distribution Assoc...

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