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Japanese drug wholesalers are looking for Korean market.
According to a reliable source, an anonymous Japanese drug distribution company already surveyed the Korean drug wholesale markets through a representing agency in contact with local companies. The investment size est...
How pharmacies transformed after medical reform program.
The KPhA took a survey against 5,027 pharmacies out of the total 17,953 pharmacies from April 23 to May 10 including 52.4% male and 47.6% female pharmacists to find out how they were transformed after implementation o...
BT industry needs to be invested 10 percent of R&D without delay
It is strongly presented that pharmaceutical manufacturing circles should invest over 10 percent of R&D rate to sales to lead BT(Biotechnology) industry without delay.
In the 21C BT period, pharmaceutical manufact...
Advance of Lotte group into Pharmaceutical industry is near at hand
Lotte Confectionery Co., affiliates of Lotte group, is expected to take over 'IY P&F(ex-Ilyang P&F)', affiliates of Ilyang Pharmaceutical Co., and go into pharmaceutical industry in earnest.
Lotte Confectionery co...
National Assembly conducts Injection problems in the extraordinary session on June 30
It is expected that revision bill of Pharmaceutical Affairs Law for exclusion of injection from medical plan will be treated in plenary session of National Assembly at the end of June.
Especially, rival parties dis...
Consortium for Bio-equivalency by different sectors.
The KFDA plans to induce an establishment of so called "a Sectoral Consortium" for the test efficiency.
To save the NHI fund the test will initially apply to an expensive and frequently prescribing drug like Raniti...
Korea Pharmacy Information Foundation worried about real state in name only
Korea Pharmaceutical Information Foundation with joint capital of 3 pharmaceutical groups is confronting crisis to be nominal, it is indicated.
It depends that KFDA will open information related domestic permitted ...
Debates on follow-up measures of NHI financial stabilization.
The MOHW took the 4th tripartite meeting organized with the medical, the pharmacy and the government representatives on June 7 at the grand conference room and repeatedly called for the medical and pharmacy communitie...
Exclusion of Injection from Medical Program works out its heavy Profits and Loses balancing
In relation to plan to exclude injection from medical program of Government, injection manufacturers reckon its profits and loses of own company and take great pains over preparation of its measure.
Most main injec...
Standard guideline for bio-equivalent test to establish
As a follow-up measure of stabilizing the NHI fund and smooth settlement of the medical and pharmacy role separation program. the MOHW is doing every possible way of activating the bio-equivalent tests by establishing...