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Ahngook Pharmaceutical Company enters into strategic cooperation with VISTAGEN from the United State

With the US Government's recent decision to provide funding support to research on human embryonic stem cell, Ahngook Pharmaceutical Company (Representative director is Eoh Jin) has formulated a policy to actively par...

Number of over 3 billion won top sellers declined after price slash.

A serial price slash over NHI drugs by the government in process of implementing the actual transaction price system and the medical reform program has remarkably pulled down number of 3 billion won top selling drugs ...

Actual transaction price system calls for overall reshuffle.

The actual transaction price system applying to the NHI drug deals in the market has raised a lot of problems, and therefore its overall amelioration plan was already presented to the National Assembly. On other ha...

Provisions of ruling prescription drug list to provoke confusion.

The drug industry and the pharmacist community encountered a lot of troubles and confusions in their practices due to uncooperative gesture shown by the medical community with regard to the provisionally required subm...

Zuellig faces a new challenge due to the firm stand of the wholesale industry.

The wholesale industry seeks to take a firm stand against Zuellig Pharma Korea after the company took the extraordinary move of rapidly increasing transaction contracts right after it unbolted the transaction bar on c...

MOHW has prepared a budget of 8 trillion won for next year.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that it has prepared a budget of 8.0245 trillion won for next year, which is a 22.1 % increase from this year. According to the announcement by the Ministry of Health an...

Foreign Investment Companies Turning to Korean Pharmaceutical Companies

The reported plans of a number of foreign companies to invest in Korean pharmaceutical companies are expected to make the stock prices of the pharmaceutical companies more flexible. According to some industry offic...

Decline in Number of Pharmacies in Big Cities After Implementation of Separation System

The contrasting fortunes of pharmacies and clinics have become apparent following the implementation of the separation system, with a total of 696 pharmacies closing down last year compared to the number of medical in...

Ildong Pharmaceutical Exits From Workout Program After 3 Years

Ildong Pharmaceutical Company has gotten out of the workout program 34 months after it was designated as a Workout Company by the Korea Development Bank in December 1998. Korea Development Bank, a major creditor o...

Emergent Struggle Committee warned against negotiation interference.

The Emergent Struggle Committee for Protection of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers Rights (hereinafter called Struggle Committee) announced a new struggle campaign to launch from upcoming Oct. against Handok and Zuellig, de...

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