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Proposal for Wearing Pharmacist ID Card Intensifies After Adoption of Separation System

The movement advocating the wearing of pharmacist ID card, which aims to increase public and patient's confidence, is expanding. The proposal intends to give patients visiting pharmacies confidence in the pharmacis...

KFDA to prosecute for unauthorized clinical studies.

The KFDA intends to put a criminal suit and other administrative measures against any clinical study conducting without the KFDA approval taking effect from the next year. Besides, any drugs for clinical studies shall...

Hot battles on drug margins among wholesalers and drug makers.

A silent war against a drug distribution margin is now taking place between domestic drug wholesalers and foreign multinational drug companies. Although the wholesale association and Pfizer Korea temporarily found ...

180 Million Dollar of Export at Pharmaceutical Exhibition.

KPTA announced that they achieved in total 187 million dollar of result at CPHI 2001 exhibition (Pharmaceutical Ingredients) held at London, Britain from 8th to 10th in last month. Among this the consultation achi...

KOMA calls for legislation of separate oriental medical law.

The Korea Oriental Medical Association (KOMA) strongly urged the government to make new legislation of the oriental medical law in separation to the current medical and pharmaceutical affairs law for the oriental medi...

Pfizer Korea announced of no dangerous result.

As to the mail incident occurred on 26th Pfizer Korea announced that the inspection showed no wrong result as of in the morning of 27th. Pfizer Korea announced press document titled as " The announcement of Nation...

Unreasonable policy triggers backlash from medical/pharmacy communities.

The government's stereotyped policy in saving the NHI finance rather created a lot of problems to the medical and pharmacy communities and other irrational and unacceptable measures to the medical and pharmacy communi...

NHI reimbursement not possible for cyber prescriptions.

"The NHI payment for the medication through internet channel does not permit", said HIRA recently on the ground that physician's prescription through the imaginative cyber space after his cyber patient consultation be...

76% of the public is seriously worried about drug abuse.

Urgent countermeasures are now required because most of the public has recognized the seriousness of the misuse and illegal distribution of drugs. The Korea Food and Drug Administration has conducted a joint surve...

Supplement foods for climacteric grew popular in pharmacies.

Along with ever growing number of climacteric patients many health supplement foods formulated with bean's isoflavonoids became very popular especially for climacteric women in the retail pharmacy market. Since th...

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